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Need Help with Module Manager Patch (RESOLVED, Apparrently I'm not that Observant)

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I'm having trouble diagnosing an issue with one of my Module Manager patches. MM seems to parse it without warning or errors, yet nothing from the patch actually executes. As a result, none of the changes I want to make are actually made. I've gone through and checked everything I can think of and still can't solve the problem, so now i'm asking for help.

Patch is here ( Note that "description" entries are temporary and meant to show me whether the patch is being applied and that the question marks (?) in the @PART entries are there in place of special characters contained in the part names themselves):

  Reveal hidden contents


ModuleManager.log is here (KSP.log can also be posted, but it's significantly longer):


So when did pastebin get so restrictive on the size of things free users could paste...

Edited by Einarr
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  On 10/21/2019 at 8:17 PM, Einarr said:

Yes, I've tried using the special characters in the names of parts in place of the ? and I get the same problem.


because if nothing in the patch is working - then odds are either you don't have MM installed (looks like you do) or the :NEEDS isn't being met.

have you tried without anything past the @PART[] (so comment out the :NEEDS[]:FINAL)?

have you tried with a comma (,) instead of the ampersand (&) in the :NEEDS?

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I've seen in the MM logs where NEEDS aren't met with other patches and it makes a note of it. No such log entries exist for my patch. I'm going to remove the NEEDS and keep the FINAL (in an attempt to ensure they patch in the correct order).

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So, more testing was done. I copied one of the @PART {} blocks and added a :NEEDS[HellToFreezeOver] soley to see if MM would show an entry indicating that that particular :NEEDS could not be met...no such log entry appeared... It's as though it refuses to even parse/process the patch at all...

And now I notice my fatal flaw... Notepad++ seems to have saved the patch file with a .txt. extension...even though I remember telling it to save as a .cfg...we'll be right back after this next KSP reload... :facedesk:

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Yeah, surprise surprise...having the correct file extension fixed the problem entirely...wonder how I missed something so easy for a day and a half...


PSA for people making MM patches: Ensure your patch file's extension is .cfg !

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  On 10/21/2019 at 10:54 PM, Einarr said:

Yeah, surprise surprise...having the correct file extension fixed the problem entirely...wonder how I missed something so easy for a day and a half...


PSA for people making MM patches: Ensure your patch file's extension is .cfg !


been there, done that.

was wondering, but how does one ask (is it saved as a .cfg file) without sounding condescending? Like tech support asking if it is plugged into an electrical outlet and is there power... :P

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