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Post your saves!


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Inspired by this, I've decided to try exploring not just the Kerbol system, but the creations left behind by other players.

So, I'm asking for people to send me their save files, which I'll merge together into a single Save File of Doom. Modded installs are fine as I'll be using quite a few mods, and it probably won't matter if a few ships disappear because of incompatible mods. Save files from past versions are also fine, as I'll basically be trying to get as many ships in the same save as I can.

Rendezvous is one of my favorite things to do in KSP, and not knowing exactly what I'll be rendezvousing with will make it all the more exciting. KIS and similar mods should let me scavenge parts from other vessels and dock them together to create wild monstrosities in orbit, which I'll use to further explore outward. I'll keep this updated with what I find out there, but for now, post your save files!

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