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So i have a Problem with mods

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So I wanted to Hype up for KSP so i took some mods (Much mods) and played i Created a mun base and noticed i cant use the Swivel Engine and some Thrusters in General or I cant Change how much fuel is in the Most Tanks Which mod is causing this?

https://imgur.com/q9sGfUa     On This Picture you can See that i cant do it 
https://ibb.co/WH4QRvy           Here you can See what mods i have installed

Just Tell me if you need more information

Edited by R1siNg
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13 hours ago, R1siNg said:

Just Tell me if you need more information

Read this to learn how to provide your log files.
Also, while it tells you *NOT* to provide the /<KSP main install folder>/KSP.log, some people actually find it quite helpful in quickly diagnosing initial mod loading errors and incorrectly installed mods.

Also, by the look of some of the folder names in your list of mods, I'd say that yes, you most likely have at least *one* mod incorrectly installed... vOv ... namely whatever has "/Properties", "/smelter/", "/UI", and all the Workshop folders...

Edited by Stone Blue
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