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Modded Ship has No Fuel

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Hello there!
I am creating a mod for KSP, but I need some help with the config file. In the config file, I have a RESOURCE module for an undefined fuel called "Artron Banks". I have this resource being displayed and shown, and the amount of Artron Banks is 5000. The problem is, when I load the game there isn't any fuel at all! The Artron Banks Gauge is empty. I have no idea what to do. Please help!

Notice the Fuel Gauge in the bottom corner.

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  On 1/1/2020 at 8:26 PM, Immensity said:

Hello there!
I am creating a mod for KSP, but I need some help with the config file. In the config file, I have a RESOURCE module for an undefined fuel called "Artron Banks". I have this resource being displayed and shown, and the amount of Artron Banks is 5000. The problem is, when I load the game there isn't any fuel at all! The Artron Banks Gauge is empty. I have no idea what to do. Please help!

Notice the Fuel Gauge in the bottom corner.


Can't troubleshoot properly from a screenshot. Need to see the config itself. Although, keep in mind that the fields for the RESOURCE node are case sensitive.  So it should look something like:

	name = Artron
	amount = 3000
	maxAmount = 3000

So amount needs to be all lowercase

Also, why is the ship larger on the inside than the outside...?

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  On 1/3/2020 at 3:55 AM, Starwaster said:

Can't troubleshoot properly from a screenshot. Need to see the config itself. Although, keep in mind that the fields for the RESOURCE node are case sensitive.  So it should look something like:

	name = Artron
	amount = 3000
	maxAmount = 3000

So amount needs to be all lowercase


Here is the config:

    name = doctorTardis
    module = Part
    author = Immensity
    mesh = model.mu
    scale = 1
    rescaleFactor = 1.0
    node_stack_top = 0.0, -1.26502, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
    TechRequired = experimentalRocketry
    entryCost = 300000
    cost = 200000
    category = Pods
    subcategory = 0
    title = The Doctor's TT Capsule
    manufacturer = Gallifrey Blackhole Shipyard
    description = The Doctor's obsolete TT Capsule. The Chameleon circuit is faulty, making the ship stuck looking like an old Police Box. 
    attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    mass = 3
    dragModelType = Default
    maximum_drag = 0.1
    minimum_drag = 0.1
    angularDrag = 0.1
    crashTolerance = 700
    breakingForce = 1000000
    breakingTorque = 1000000
    maxTemp = 6000
    fuelCrossFeed = False
    CrewCapacity = 6
    vesselType = Ship
        name = TardisInternal
        name = ModuleCommand
        minimumCrew = 0
        name = ModuleGenerator
        isAlwaysActive = true
           name = ElectricCharge
           rate = 500
        name = ModuleGenerator
        isAlwaysActive = true
           name = Artron Banks
           rate = 600
        name = ElectricCharge
        amount = 5000
        maxAmount = 5000
        name = Artron Banks
        amount = 1000
        maxAmount = 1000
        name = ModuleSAS    
        name = ModuleReactionWheel
        PitchTorque = 12.5
        YawTorque = 12.5
        RollTorque = 12.5
            name = Artron Banks
            rate = 0.01
        name = ModuleEngines
        thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
        exhaustDamage = False
        ignitionThreshold = 0.1
        minThrust = 0
        maxThrust = 500
        heatProduction = 1
        fxOffset = 0, -8.51542, -1.49597
            name = Artron Banks
            ratio = 0.1
            DrawGauge = True
            key = 0 500
            key = 1 500
        name = ModuleRCS
        thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
        thrusterPower = 50
        resourceName = Artron Banks
            key = 0 500
           key = 1 500


Too lazy to upload it to a file sharing website, so thats what you get. It seems to be fine, nothing unusual. It's still WIP.

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I think you need to add the resource definition. This will determine its weight, cost and various other properties.

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If you want it to be found on planets for mining. You will need to define planetary resources. See this example for Dirt from the mod Community resource pack.

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Then you would need to set up the scanners and drills to find and mine them.


You may also need to use ModuleRCSFX to have the thrust show properly.

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One last thing is the name Artron Banks. I am not sure since I have not tested it. But you may need to put it in as ArtronBanks with no space for it to work. This would apply to the above configs.

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@Immensity as @Barar says, do not use spaces in the RESOURCE name. If you want it to display with spaces then add displayName = Artron Banks in the RESOURCE_DEFINITION

Also, it will be necessary to assign density to the resource or KSP cannot calculate thrust. The Rocket Equation is in full force here. (density = 0.001 = 1kg/cubic meter = the density of water)



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