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Welcome to the forum @Dan766, I think you are referring to having installed Kerbal Foundries so I've moved your issue to tech support, PC, modded. Are you running the latest version of KSP? If so the problem is most likely to be the fact that KF has not been updated to the latest version (1.8.1). If this is not the problem you can read through this post explaining the steps required to get support for a modded install:


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3 minutes ago, Dan766 said:

i downloaded KF mod for 1.8.1 and gme starts but no parts

We are literally unable to help you unless you follow the instructions in the link above. And now below.

1 hour ago, James Kerman said:




Edited by 5thHorseman
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2 hours ago, Dan766 said:

i downloaded KF mod for 1.8.1 and gme starts but no parts

By KF you do mean Kerbal Foundries? If so the mod is only listed as compatible with 1.7.3. It is possible to downgrade your game version for compatibility if you have a steam install by right clicking on KSP, selecting properties and clicking on the Betas tab. If you open the 'select the beta you would like to opt into' you can select 1.7.3 and you should be able to play with Kerbal Foundries.

Edited by James Kerman
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