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Exploration achievements not working

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Having an issue and cannot find anyone else with the same problem. I started a large career game a while back with a goal to fully explore the Kerbal system. All surface anomalies explored, all biomes and artifacts mined for full science. The problem is that I'm having recurring issues getting the game to recognize that I've gotten close enough to an anomaly for the achievement to pop. I planted a flag on top of a Moho Monolith and never got the achievement notice. Now I've just had the same problem exploring the Mohole: circumnavigated the rim, then saved and jumped in: achievement never popped up to the second I smashed into the bottom of the hole. This has happened before on other bodies but I'm sometimes unsure if the achievement is triggering and I'm just missing it. Been watching the screen carefully as I explore Moho and convinced it's just not happening.

Theories I think I've ruled out:

  1. I am using the Bon Voyage rover mod to explore the surface. It's basically a rover autopilot that will move across the surface while you're off doing something else. I discovered some time ago that you must cross a certain threshold in order for the game to recognize the achievement, so if you just Bon Voyage to the anomaly it will not trigger until you drive away and return across the threshold. I address this by manually driving in from about 3 km out and have had this work, but repeated attempts to drive 3k away and return have been unsuccessful at times.
  2. I have wondered if physics warping while manually driving my rover will allow the craft to skip past this threshold and not trigger the achievement. Not certain, but it seems like I've had this happen in the past and solved it by driving in real time. Haven't used any warping within 3k of the anomaly and it's still not popping.

Potential factors:

  1. I am running V1.7.2 because that was current when I started this career. Don't want updates to break my ships, especially the ones I spent forever designing and testing to explore Eve. Possibly something more recent had addressed a cause of my issue?
  2. Other mods besides Bon Voyage wouldn't seem a factor to me, but are: Kerbal Alarm Clock, Kerbal Engineer, For Science, Hyperedit, Transfer Window Planner, USI Life Support, EVE, Precise Maneuver, and Trajectories. The only non-stock parts on the rover in question are from Bon Voyage and USI LS.

Thoughts? The lack of achievements isn't breaking the game, but it's annoying because the whole point of the career is to thoroughly explore, so it'd be nice if the game recognized it. I plant flags at every discovery to track my progress, but and still annoyed driving around for hours of real time trying to get achievements to pop with no dice.

Thanks for reading and any assistance. 

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3 hours ago, N4CDLAW said:

I planted a flag on top of a Moho Monolith and never got the achievement notice.

Well, I noticed that after I had the tech tree fully unlocked and got the note that I discovered "nanolathing" upon visiting a green monolith, I never got any notifications that I discovered another green monolith. I assumed this was because there were no more techs for me to discover.

I do get the regular achievements for "first flyby / orbit / rendezvous etc."

3 hours ago, N4CDLAW said:

Now I've just had the same problem exploring the Mohole

Is there an achievement notice for discovering the Mohole in the first place?

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20 hours ago, AHHans said:


Is there an achievement notice for discovering the Mohole in the first place?

I thought so. Been a while, but it definitely is an anomaly that registers via Kerbnet. Course, now that I think about it, the comm dishes on Kerbin show up too but I've never gotten an achievement for that either... now I'm 2nd guessing. 

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