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Shuttle dynamics.

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You want your orbital maneuvering engines to be pointing as close to your center of mass as you can.  You'll also want an angled control point, like a jr docking port, in the same line as your CoT for those engines that you can use for your orbital burns.  This control point will also come in handy for your re-entry, as you can use it set to prograde, and it'll actually try to maintain your AoA.

I've found an AoA of around 25-30 degrees to work pretty well.


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1 hour ago, Geonovast said:

You want your orbital maneuvering engines to be pointing as close to your center of mass as you can.  You'll also want an angled control point, like a jr docking port, in the same line as your CoT for those engines that you can use for your orbital burns.  This control point will also come in handy for your re-entry, as you can use it set to prograde, and it'll actually try to maintain your AoA.

I've found an AoA of around 25-30 degrees to work pretty well.


Thanks! Though I'm using a mono propellant tank like the good ole shuttle. But want a Mono propellant type of pod etc.  

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Which fuel type you're using doesn't make a difference.  You'll still want the CoT for those engines to line up with your CoM as best you can.  This can't be perfect, since your CoM will move a good amount during your mission, but that's what gimbal's for.

The only engine in stock that uses monopropellant is the puff.  I'm pretty sure it's in the game as an analog for the space shuttle's orbital engine.

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