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[OLD] VOID - Vessel Orbital Information Display


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One SUPER handy feature would be relative velocity to another vessel.

It's now on the to do list!

Something's wrong with the Physical Characteristics section.


Volume is listed as 6.97*10^8 km^3. Assuming that same 600-km radius, it should be about 9.05 *10^8 kg.

Mass is listed as 5.29 * 10 ^19 kg. It's actually 5.29 * 10^22 kg. I think you're assuming that the game stats are offering the mass in grams, when they're offering it in kilograms.

Using the actual mass and volume results in a density of about 58,500 kg/m^3 instead of VOID's 77.98 kg/m^3.

Thanks for spotting this. I'm pretty sure for the mass I assumed it is grams. Not sure how I failed the volume. Will get it straightened out ASAP.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...
I don't care what the backup says. We need to bring this back!

It's back with a small update to fix broken http links thanks to crappy free webhosts.

I don't know what else to add at this point. If you have some ideas, let me know.

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Does it have a unique model/texture Part that I can add to ships?

Maybe you can divide those different functions and make matching different instruments(part) in the science section that consumes electricity and would allow you to display info

Planet scanner instrument would check the size of the planet, etc

Atmosphere Sensor instrument would check the atmospheric composition, etc

Object Scanner will allow you to view info about a target, etc

Trajectory Computer will compute the orbits and trajectories of targets, etc

many more

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Does it have a unique model/texture Part that I can add to ships?

Maybe you can divide those different functions and make matching different instruments(part) in the science section that consumes electricity and would allow you to display info

Planet scanner instrument would check the size of the planet, etc

Atmosphere Sensor instrument would check the atmospheric composition, etc

Object Scanner will allow you to view info about a target, etc

Trajectory Computer will compute the orbits and trajectories of targets, etc

many more

The problem is I have no talent or patience for 3d modeling. I can't make one nice-looking part let alone a half dozen.

If you want to make some parts we can do this :)

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The problem is I have no talent or patience for 3d modeling. I can't make one nice-looking part let alone a half dozen.

If you want to make some parts we can do this :)

Maybe you can invite other modders and maybe ask them to make some models, textures, etc, I saw some modders are taking requests. I wanted to help but sad to say I don't have the talent or patience too so I can't ;.;

Currently the Science Section Parts in the game is almost useless, the instruments do not provide useful data, your mod will motivate people to really "probe" the object in-game and won't use the wikia anymore for datas. Combined with remotetech this would be awesome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally updated to 0.20 (0.20.2 even) and installed VOID. It works fine so far but I noticed that the icon that used to be at the bottom at the screen to turn it on and off disappeared. Am I the only one affected or is it a known problem? Otherwise, I can still click on the part to turn it on and off.

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Finally updated to 0.20 (0.20.2 even) and installed VOID. It works fine so far but I noticed that the icon that used to be at the bottom at the screen to turn it on and off disappeared. Am I the only one affected or is it a known problem? Otherwise, I can still click on the part to turn it on and off.

This is a known problem due to me not testing well enough when I make updates. You can temporarily get the icons back if you turn on 'Allow this plugin to access the web' or you might even be able to find it shoved into the upper-left corner of the screen where mission time is displayed.

I have the icons fixed but now trying to fix a problem that causes my plugins to not work with some Bobcat parts. Once I have that squared away I will release a fixed VOID.

In the meantime, here is a .dll for guinea pig version you can use if you want. Icons will load normally again but you will need to create a new folder and move them into it first.

1) Create a new folder /GameData/RBR/Textures

2) Copy the two icon files (void_icon_on.png, void_icon_off.png) from /GameData/RBR/Plugins/PluginData/rbr_VOID/ into the new folder

This .dll also has the Bobcat-offending code removed. If you use it, let me know if you have any problems, especially if no VOID or multiple VOIDs show up on screen.

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  • 1 month later...
Good work I like this mod. I'm not keen on using mechjeb so this fills a gap, it feels essential after using it a while.

I've been using this on 0.21.1 without problems so far.

Thanks! The entire reason I made this was because I relied on MJ waayyy too much and needed to remove all opportunity to auto-pilot but keep all the good info.

I haven't tried it yet in 0.21 so I am glad to hear it's still working.

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needed to remove all opportunity to auto-pilot but keep all the good info.

Keep all the good info?

As far as I've ever been able to tell, VOID has more info available than MechJeb - or at least different info. I've always found planetary transfer planning much easier with VOID.

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Keep all the good info?

As far as I've ever been able to tell, VOID has more info available than MechJeb - or at least different info. I've always found planetary transfer planning much easier with VOID.

Well, I kept the useful orbital and surface info from MJ and then added anything and everything else I could manage to pull out of the game or other plugin source.

I'm glad this beast still gets some love!

"Transfer angle information" sounds useful like protractor.

Phase and ejection angles were really hard for me. Almost the entire code behind that window was borrowed from other sources, including Protractor.

They are imprecise as they don't take inclination or eccentricity into account, but good enough to get an encounter most of the time.

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Mh, I gave it a second look. I have to have the target and the orbital info window opened to get all the information I want. (for example Ap/Pe for both vessles) But that's okay :wink:

Why not just adding another button to open the target info window?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mh, I gave it a second look. I have to have the target and the orbital info window opened to get all the information I want. (for example Ap/Pe for both vessles) But that's okay :wink:

Why not just adding another button to open the target info window?

Button to open the target info window added to main menu. Targeting also working correctly now: can set/unset in-game target via VOID, and VOID will display target info for targeted Vessels and CelestialBodys.

There is a link for this v.0.8.1 download in the OP at the top of the changelog. Replace your existing VOID.dll with the new one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Very good work, helped me alot to have all those info in one simple mod. Everything works just fine, except for ons thing: If you install mission controller extended its icon places itself in a way that hinders you from accessing your V.O.I.D. menu. Everything else just keeps working like a breeze, only the positioning of the icon should pe a bit more customizable. (Maybe with two sliders to control x and y, just like in the Kerbal Crew Manifest Mod?)


Marrus with a Q

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Very good work, helped me alot to have all those info in one simple mod. Everything works just fine, except for ons thing: If you install mission controller extended its icon places itself in a way that hinders you from accessing your V.O.I.D. menu. Everything else just keeps working like a breeze, only the positioning of the icon should pe a bit more customizable. (Maybe with two sliders to control x and y, just like in the Kerbal Crew Manifest Mod?)


Marrus with a Q

Try VOID 0.8.1 that is in the OP. It has an option in the Miscellaneous window to reposition the icon.

Truely amazing ! What I just wanted, definitely replaces MechJeb :)

One thing that I would love to see is a "Landing/Aerobraking prediction" to allow pinpoint strikes landings.

That would be cool. Does MJ have this already? I don't know if I am clever enough to figure that out on my own. I'll keep the idea in mind.

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That would be cool. Does MJ have this already? I don't know if I am clever enough to figure that out on my own. I'll keep the idea in mind.

Yes it has. That's the very last thing I'm wanting to go completely off of MJ. Would be amazing if you could do it :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know it's been a while but... are there gonna be updates on this plugin?

I really love it for my science probes and it works great for temperature readings, pressure, and so on.

But some informations, like the atmosphere altitude of planets isn't always right. For example, it still states that Moho has an atmosphere.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I know it's been a while but... are there gonna be updates on this plugin?

I really love it for my science probes and it works great for temperature readings, pressure, and so on.

But some informations, like the atmosphere altitude of planets isn't always right. For example, it still states that Moho has an atmosphere.

There will be an update very soon courtesy of a generous VOID user. Up by the weekend for sure. Up as soon as possible! :)

Edited by Iannic-ann-od
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