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[Request] Mod that shows how much EC a transmission will require in the science message dialogue.

Rocket Witch

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That sounds like a great idea, but possibly not that simple if you have several antennae on the same craft with different power consumption. Transmitting a set of temperature, pressure, gravity and seismic readings would use different amounts of power if it was all done through an efficient direct antenna like a 16/16S or split between that and a less power efficient relay dish like an HG-5 or an RA-100.

The mod would have to either check each antenna in turn starting with the most energy-efficient and check if it was already in use, and if not use that value, but continuously update as it did so in case the antenna it was looking at got used for the previous experiment or a more efficient one stopped transmitting, or else just give an average which would probably be wrong. Just listing power requirements per antenna type would be simpler.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, it wouldn't necessarily be simple to do comprehensively, but I'd be happy with (indeed prefer) a simple implementation of it: just show the EC usage for the antenna that the game would've picked at the moment the science result window appears. That's the EC/s and total EC requirement to fully transmit that single result — not accounting for anything else.

Edited by Rocket Witch
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1 hour ago, Incarnation of Chaos said:

Uncheck "Require complete" and never worry about EC transmission costs again. It even works in timewarp!

Also never worry about getting too much science points. You get less points per transmission for every time you lose charge during that transmission.

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