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Switch between space stations

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Hey guys,

im very new to the game and struggle switching between two space ships, even when I am only a few metres away.

I tried to switch via "ß" or "´", but nothings works.

I can switch via the map ("M"), but that is very uncomfortable,  because aiming for the right space ship, when they are only a few metres apart ist very difficult on the huge map.


I would be very pleased, it anyone can give me advice which key is helpful, or if you can show me, how to switch the key binding.

Sorry for my english, im from Germany.


Thank you for your help!

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1 hour ago, Josias said:

Sorry for my english, im from Germany.

Don't worry, we won't hold being from Germany against you. (SCNR!)
(Check my location if you don't get the joke.)

Your English is fine! And when we don't understand a question then we'll just ask for clarification.

As to your actual question: I think that @Curveball Anders and @4x4cheesecake already answered that. If not then please ask again.

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