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Do you think we should attempt contact with aliens?


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On 4/23/2020 at 3:37 PM, Lewie said:

Well...I did send some red shirts down first...

In all seriousness, no. But of my memory serves me correctly I did do the Vulcan greeting. I have no idea why I did it, but it seemed fitting.


I will call your bluff. I really do think you are either making it up or perhaps saw something else... but it was not what you thought it was, or even what it told you it was.

Looking at all 'aien' contact reports combined, they tend to follow the same pattern as your own.

A person who is special enough to picked for communication out of billions of humans, and an isolated event few if any saw.

Personally, even if they were real... if skulking around and hiding is their modus operandi, then they hardly seem on the up and up.

People that hide and are secretive to an extreme often are up to no good.


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I wasn’t ‘chosen’ to go. There was someone that helped me. The aliens didn’t ‘choose me’ or anything 

And why would you quote that one paragraph? All it was saying is the way I greeted them, and the first part was a joke.

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42 minutes ago, Lewie said:

Well I really can’t show any evidence except for my word. And why would I lie? It’s just not logical to lie about this. 


You may not be lying.... but still does not mean what you saw and heard was what you say it is.


That said, some do lie about seeing scifi aliens IRL just because they wish they were real so badly that they look for signs everywhere.

Not saying that's you. I am just giving an example of a plausible reason.

Others do it for attention.

Again... those are the only plausible reasons I can come up with besides you mistaking something or someone for something they were pretending to be.

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3 minutes ago, Lewie said:

Right. I mistook a city full of Aliens that all spoke their own language that bore no resemblance to any language spoken by humans, all because I was desperate to believe in aliens. Right.


Hey... fantastic claims require fantastic proofs.

Believing any human at their word only is never a wise thing to do unless you know that they are trustworthy to begin with.

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Right. But can you prove that I am not trustworthy?  Look, what I’m saying is this-I saw aliens, I tried to talk to them, I’ve been the first to walk on another planet, and have confirmed that aliens are real. I would have taken pictures, but I didn’t bring a camera.  You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to, but in a few hundred years, I will be remembered by the  aliens as the first human that visited them. So it may take years after both of us are long gone, but in the end I get the final word.

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1 minute ago, Lewie said:

Right. But can you prove that I am not trustworthy?  Look, what I’m saying is this-I saw aliens, I tried to talk to them, I’ve been the first to walk on another planet, and have confirmed that aliens are real. I would have taken pictures, but I didn’t bring a camera.  You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to, but in a few hundred years, I will be remembered by the  aliens as the first human that visited them. So it may take years after both of us are long gone, but in the end I get the final word.


Neither can you prove you you are trustworthy.

The more you say the more questions pop up that make the whole thing seem made up.

At first you said you saw aliens, then you said you were the first human to interact with them, and that you were not chosen but someone (very special no doubt) arranged for you to meet the aliens.

In general, if I have a somwthing I want to keep secret, I won't tell the world about it.

On the other hand, if I have something to tell the world and it won't harm me I will tell them everything.

Unless that's the point you wish to make...

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Umm why would I not tell the world? It’s confirming that aliens are real, they are sentient, and are incredibly advanced. And all three things I said relate to each other, because they all happened. There’s some parts of the story I am not allowed to tell, I was sworn to secrecy over certain matters. 

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12 minutes ago, Lewie said:

Umm why would I not tell the world? It’s confirming that aliens are real, they are sentient, and are incredibly advanced. And all three things I said relate to each other, because they all happened. There’s some parts of the story I am not allowed to tell, I was sworn to secrecy over certain matters. 


So nothing at all happens to you if you talk?

Because I know humans, they can be made to talk.

So are you saying that if someone tried to force you to talk you would not?

I find that hard to believe.

The only humans I know that do that are those that love someone they are trying to protect.

I doubt that is the case with you, since the best way to keep aliens undercover is to pretend they don't exist.

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7 minutes ago, razark said:

If you want to tell the world, why would you choose a video game forum for this breaking news?




The logic falls flat there. 

Like Sherlock Holmes said in a novel:

"Remove everything that cannot be true. Whatever remains no matter how improbable is the truth."

This is also a good scientific method too.

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22 minutes ago, Spacescifi said:

The only humans I know that do that are those that love someone they are trying to protect

this is true, but only part of the story. The reason why I choose this forum is because I saw this topic, and thought it would be appropriate to tell this part of my story here. I have virtually no social media presence outside of this forum.

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4 minutes ago, Lewie said:

this is true, but only part of the story. The reason why I choose this forum is because I saw this topic, and thought it would be appropriate to tell this part of my story here. I have virtually no social media presence outside of this forum.


I still think you may be making this up.

If it's all true you can tell me everything and I and others STILL would not believe you.

You have nothing to lose. Tell me everything. Even PM me if you like.

I will tell no one.

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