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Stock VAB Buttons not working (Modded)


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I've been slowly adding more and more mods into my 1.9.1 game and recently one of them broke the deltaV/vessel information/active missions/etc buttons in the VAB so that they do not pop up. I am using a handful of mods that aren't updated for 1.9.1 and I've narrowed it down to the time I started having issues with UI (Blizzy's toolbar is also missing in the space center, but shows up everywhere else so that's fine, just annoying). The buttons I'm talking about:


The buttons in the red rectangle will not open any windows.

My modlist:


The mods I added before I noticed this issue were Decal o' Mania, Planet Shine, RCS Build Aid, and the QuickMod "Quick GoTo". I also added KSC++ and made some custom constructs on the default launchpad around that time, though I can't see that creating an issue. The decal mod just adds parts so I doubt that's the culprit but included it none-the-less.

I tried opening the debug console during the scene but nothing abnormal populated.

Here's my KSP.log for anyone that knows how to interpret it better than I do: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c1522ez70ebdgnf/KSP.log?dl=0
Thanks and I appreciate any help you can provide! :D

*Quick Edit*

Took a look through my log and found:

[LOG 21:22:52.395] QuickGoTo(QBlizzyToolbar)[1.40]: Destroy
[LOG 21:22:52.395] QuickGoTo(QGUI)[1.40]: OnDestroy

It could explain the GUI issues.

Edited by shoe7ess
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You should have posted this in the technical support section (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/70-technical-support-pc-modded-installs/).

Try removing whatever UI-related mods you added most recently and see if the stock buttons work again, then if they do add those mods back in one by one to find the culprit. It's a slow but methodical approach that will almost certainly find the cause of the problem. If I had to take a guess just on the information you've given, I'd say it was either Quick GoTo or RCS Build Aid that was the problem, but it could be a strange interaction between different mods or just a version clash.

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