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Hinges and Etc -- Explanation on how to use?

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I've looked around and can't find a tutorial on this new feature.  I'm guessing, based on the parts supplied that things like hinges need a controller to use... but I can't figure out how to set states for the hinges (i.e. open or close them).

I had the brilliant idea of adding a set of hinges with wheels on them to the side of my rover to make it less tippy - thinking, hey, when I get to where I'm going, I will drop the hinges and viola! Training wheels!.  - but inside the SPH or on the strip I cant figure out how to make them work.

Rover is based on a RoveMate body and there's a pilot... so clearly I am missing something.  - One issue, perchance, is that they're not snapped green ball to green ball: I've got them mounted to the side of a Science JR - and they stick just fine and work like a charm driving around (deployed); I just can't make it a moving part

Edited by JoeSchmuckatelli
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Okay - it's weird... but I think I figured it out.  I couldn't get anything to work in the SPH or VAB - but when I manually moved the slider (while on the strip) it moved the hinges.  

-- which is great, as I can now 'stow' my training wheels on the Jalopy I built to explore the Mun & etc. and then deploy when I get there!  No more tipping!

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