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How to edit multiple parts/nodes at once with ModuleManger?

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I'm attempting to write some life support patches that doubles the amount of resources packed, like so:

// JNSQ days are twice as long, double resources to compensate
        @maxAmount *= 2
        @amount *= 2

However, it does not do anything. Is it possible to specify multiple nodes at once, or must I write each resource and part out separately? The ModuleManager wiki says that wildcards can be used, but does not mention explicitly specifying multiple parts.


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try simplifying -  do only one resource at first - to make sure the patch is working - then add complexity. The original patch (here) does everything one at a time. What you want to do (all at once) should be able to be done - suggest just start simple and work towards complex.

also the '|' (pipe) means OR - when you mean to use is ',' (and) - at least in the @PART and maybe even in the @RESOURCE

suggest replacing :FINAL with :AFTER[TacLifeSupport]


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Thank you for the advice! I don't have the time to work on this right now, but I'll see what I can figure out.

Re "," for @RESOURCE: I tried that after I posted this, but it seemed to apply to only the first resource listed (and yes, this was with only 1 part being patched).

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