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How to get highest point on a vessel?

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I'm trying to get the highest point on a vessel, in relation to the planet.  Would also be useful to find the horizontal distance from a Transform (found in a part).  I thought I could do it with Vessel.vesselSize, but that's just a raw set of numbers, no way (AFAIK) to know the orientation of the vessel.

Thanks in advance


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It was one I had looked at.  Unfortunately, it uses this:


                    Vector3 partEdge = p.collider.ClosestPointOnBounds(FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.position); //find collider edge closest to ground

which is a Unity call, and gets the closest point to the body.  I would need the furthest point, and there is no unity call for that

But, it gave me an idea, I just found some code to get the furthest point.  

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  • 2 months later...

I realized I never posted.  Here is the code to find the furthest point:

       // Following method from Unity forum:
        // https://forum.unity.com/threads/how-to-find-a-point-in-a-collider-farthest-from-a-given-position-reversed-closestpointonbounds.344122/

        Vector3 GetFurthestPointOnBounds(Collider boxCollider, Vector3d myVector)
            List<Vector3> vertexPoints = new List<Vector3>();

            //BoxCollider boxCollider = gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();

            vertexPoints.Add(new Vector3(boxCollider.bounds.max.x, boxCollider.bounds.max.y, boxCollider.bounds.min.z));
            vertexPoints.Add(new Vector3(boxCollider.bounds.max.x, boxCollider.bounds.min.y, boxCollider.bounds.min.z));
            vertexPoints.Add(new Vector3(boxCollider.bounds.max.x, boxCollider.bounds.min.y, boxCollider.bounds.max.z));
            vertexPoints.Add(new Vector3(boxCollider.bounds.min.x, boxCollider.bounds.min.y, boxCollider.bounds.max.z));
            vertexPoints.Add(new Vector3(boxCollider.bounds.min.x, boxCollider.bounds.max.y, boxCollider.bounds.max.z));
            vertexPoints.Add(new Vector3(boxCollider.bounds.min.x, boxCollider.bounds.max.y, boxCollider.bounds.min.z));

            int maxDistanceVector = 0;
            float distance = 0;
            Vector3 getCollisionPoint = boxCollider.ClosestPointOnBounds(myVector);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexPoints.Count; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    distance = Vector3.Distance(getCollisionPoint, vertexPoints[i]);
                    maxDistanceVector = 0;
                    float newDistance = Vector3.Distance(getCollisionPoint, vertexPoints[i]);
                    if (distance < newDistance)
                        distance = newDistance;
                        maxDistanceVector = i;


            //Debug.Log("Farest away point of box collider from vector: " + vertexPoints[maxDistanceVector]);
            return vertexPoints[maxDistanceVector];


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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