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terrible areodynamics

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Let's start with this:

If you'd like help with a problem, let's take a look at what  you have going on.  There might be something buggy going on with your install, and not with the game itself.   But if you link a log file we can take a look and see.

Secondly, if you are unable to acquire older versions of KSP that had a different atmospheric model through your legal retailer, then we will be unable to help you, as sharing game assets is not allowed.

There are a number of mods that already alter the physics model of the game.  Instead of reinventing the wheel, why not use a mod, some of which have almost a decade of development?

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18 minutes ago, Afraz2005 said:

When i attemt  to fly a plane even with sas on the plane dosent fly straght and when i attempt to turn the plane rolls or is it just squad made the aredynamics too realastic.


There's a lot to unpack with that statement.    First off, make sure your CoM is behind your CoL, but only slightly.   If it's right on top of it, the plane will turn too easily, making it very easy to lose control.  If the CoM is ahead of the CoL, then technically your plane is traveling backwards, and will try to flip over.    If you attempt to turn (yaw, A&D buttons), and it rolls, it sounds like you have one of your vertical stabilizers enabled for yaw, and it's giving offset forces, causing you to roll.  Go through your tweakables (right click each item) and enable/disable each control surface to the intended behavior.

It really sounds like this is a design issue and not a problem with the physics.  I'd recommend searching through the Gameplay Questions subforum for similar threads on this, as many new players experience this. 

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16 minutes ago, Afraz2005 said:


Well, considering the game works fine for most everybody else, there may be other issues at hand.  Perhaps some video of your gameplay would help.

If you do think it's the game itself, please follow the directions from the thread I linked in the first response, then we can take a look.

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What exactly is the problem here? You’ve given almost no information at all except “planes don’t fly straight and roll when I turn”. Planes are SUPPOSED to roll when they turn, it’s a lot more efficient to bank the wings and let aerodynamics carry them round than trying to force it round using the rudder; and unless you have an identical rudder underneath the plane adding full yaw to one side will naturally cause the plane to roll as well because that single rudder is applying a rotation around the plane’s long axis in exactly the same way that ailerons doesn’t to roll the wings.

KSP aerodynamics and flight controls don’t work in the simplistic “press left, go left” style of some other games, it’s a physics based system that will require real pitch, yaw and roll control inputs to work properly. Although I would hardly call KSP’s aerodynamic systems “realistic” since wings are effectively flat boards rather than aerofoils, and produce lift solely by their angle of attack- angled up they provide lift, angled down they provide downforce and you aren’t flying anywhere. FAR (Ferrari Aerospace Research) is a lot more realistic for both lift and drag and adds wing stalling and engine flameouts if the airflow is sufficiently bad, with air drag based on aerodynamic profiles rather than the stock system which looks at parts only and can apply huge drag to parts that are inside the plane.


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