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Really weird glitch - Rover on Mun suddenly experiences no gravity?

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EDIT - there's a weird glitch persistent across saves adversely affecting game play.  I have a rover landed on the Mun and it worked fine.  Has a Grabber unit - which I planned to use to help transfer fuel to and from different ships.  Then I launched a second ship made up of a Mk 1-3 Command Pod (with associated stuff - antennas, fuel tanks, engines, etc) attached to a MPL (again with stuff - that being science, antennas, gear etc).  No Mods.  After landing the second ship, everything went south.  Attaching the claw to anything worked; but then revisiting the ship made everything bounce and I got the "Easing Physics" message -- which research tells me is a Kraken problem.

Reverted to a previous save.  Before landing the second ship.  Now I am convinced the problem is with that ship.  Because when I did a test separation in orbit over the Mun - I could not re dock the two craft.  The suspect part is the MPL, which, even with a Kerbal in it refuses to do anything (e.g. extend antenna).

Is the only hope to revert even further and delete / rebuild the entire ship?

(OP below in spoiler)



I've not seen this before.  I have a rover on the Mun, based on the MEM.  I used a grabber unit to transfer fuel from the rover to a lander... and as soon as the fuel was out of the MEM tank, the arm the grabber was attached to broke at the hinge and the lander... wandered skyward - with me unable to control it.


… or rather that's not entirely true.  The wheels turn.  I can extend the antenna... but it literally floats.  Like off to space kind of floating.

Except - again - if I use the brackets "[" or "]" - it teleports back to the ground... and then starts to float off again.  


Really frustrating... because the lander was a key strategy for my 14% future mining site.


No mods.  I do have Breaking Ground and the History Expansions.


Win 10 Pro 64 bit system with AMD Ryzen 7 2700x, 16GB RAM.  



Edited by JoeSchmuckatelli
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Update:  I loaded a previous save and have worked my way back to where I was... but I'm very hesitant to repeat the offloading of fuel (last action before loss of gravity / mass).  In other words, the problem occurred but is not persistent regardless of save.  At some point I will try to repeat the offloading of fuel from the MEM to test whether doing so makes the computer think the root part (and thus all attachments) are massless.


Couple of thoughts: its either a glitch in offloading fuel from the MEM with a grabber, or possibly a heat issue or a part-count issue  - it happened at the end of a long play session in a place with three vehicles each with a ton of parts all in close proximity.

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Bouncing of landed parts and bases is well known, I have had bases jump hundreds of meters when I approached them.

The mod World Stabilizer helps a lot.

As for extended gameplay causing glitches - absolutely!!!  KSP is famous for it.  I generally play for about 2 hours max before seeing something that makes me think a re-start might be necessary.  I think the best I've ever maaged was 4 hours before having to re-start.

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