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1000 of the same asteroid!!!! need help

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Finally grabbed a class E asteroid to land on Kerbin mission.  Here is a screenshot link. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029463443/screenshots/

Landed with my miner/booster pack for my redirect. renamed it "the Rock". I altered trajectory a few times prior to this and left and came back to mission a few times. After a shallow intercept of Mun gravity well to lower my orbit further, I alter orbit for last time and decide to return later. While doing a few other missions, this happens. Has this happened to anyone else? 1000 of the same asteroid. Is there a way to terminate multiple objects from Tracking Station without having to do this a thousand times? It takes about 10 sec to terminate one object since my FPS is so low. game is so slow now it actually effects other aspects of game. Now that this mission is bust and I have to find another Class E to capture, since this one has been "disturbed". This is the farthest I have ever taken career mode and I don't what to start again. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Edited by Floopy_Noopers
added link for screenshot
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Huh. That's a weird one. I've never seen it before.

I'd personally back up my persistent.sfs file and then open it in an editor, looking for what defines the asteroid. That definition is probably in the file 1000 times, all the same but maybe with slightly different orbital parameters. Then in your text editor delete all but one of those definitions.

Then open the game and make sure everything's fine. If not, you always have your backup.

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1 hour ago, Superfluous J said:

Huh. That's a weird one. I've never seen it before.

I'd personally back up my persistent.sfs file and then open it in an editor, looking for what defines the asteroid. That definition is probably in the file 1000 times, all the same but maybe with slightly different orbital parameters. Then in your text editor delete all but one of those definitions.

Then open the game and make sure everything's fine. If not, you always have your backup.

I don't know how to do any of that.  I did look for the most current modified file in my KSP steam folder and found this in KSP.txt . I am assuming this is kinda what your talking about because there are hundreds of this same repeating instance of this text inside this file.

[LOG 21:46:33.610] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 21:46:34.031] Game State Saved to saves/bunghol/persistent
[LOG 21:46:35.068] [Tracking Station]: SetVessel(The Rock)
[LOG 21:46:35.068] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: The Rock
[LOG 21:46:36.363] [Tracking Station]: SetVessel(null)
[LOG 21:46:36.363] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Mun
[LOG 21:46:36.818] Flight State Captured
[LOG 21:46:36.818] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 21:46:36.818] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 21:46:36.818] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 21:46:36.818] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 21:46:36.818] Saving Achievements Tree...

I didn't really want to mess with it since I don't know what I'm doing.  but I could assume that If I removed all but 1 of this instance it would hopefully remove all but one of the asteroids.  but that's a guess.  I did the safest thing I know how to do and just spent over a hour and manually terminated all 1025 versions of the same asteroid.  it was unfortunate for me that, when I was done I left 1 remaining, the asteroid was just a non-visual void in space when I went to fly it.  Bummer. Can't recapture.  So I just deleted the last one. 

I appreciate your response.  I am just going to have to get into the habit of saving more frequently. Just happy to get my FPS back to normal again.


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In that folder is a "saves" folder. In that folder is a folder with your save's name. In THAT folder is a file named persistent.sfs. That file is your save. Back it up (copy it or zip it up) and then do the editing. It's just a (huge) text file like the log was.

It's a bit hard to read but if you look for the name of the asteroid I bet you'll find it.

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If they're all in the same place (or at least within 2.3km physics range), switching to one and hacking gravity to 10x will make them all crash into Kerbin.


  1. Find KSP/saves/your save name/persistent.sfs
  2. Copy the file somewhere outside the KSP directory tree- your desktop would do
  3. Open the original file at the above location
  4. Replace every occurrence of 'SpaceObject' with 'Debris' which will turn all asteroids into debris
  5. Start up KSP and switch persistent debris to zero in the main settings menu (from the main menu)
  6. The game will automagically destroy all objects classed as debris, which should remove all the asteroids.

This worked for me in a blank save game in KSP 1.9.1, but make sure to back up your persistent.sfs save file in case something goes wrong! (There are also backup saves inside saves/backup but they won't be fully up to date)

Edited by jimmymcgoochie
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