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Atom's Awesome Aircraft!


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Just for those out there who like planes I am going to start giving planes out. Since I am incompetent I am not able to put the file up for download, so if you want the craft please just ask and list your email address!

First craft


Maximum speed= 370+ m/s

Range far enough to reach both poles or roughly 3/4 round the planet

Take off speed= roughly 125 m/s on full throtle and with a full payload

Landing= Good, does not sink into ground too much, If needed there are emergency parachutes.

Lag-o-meter= My computer suffers greatly, I am not sure if this is due to the high amount of debris surrounding my runway or poor deisgn but either way dont pull up too fast.

Height ceiling= roughly 16000m with sas and extra fuel tanks,this is not very stable. 18000 if you are feeling dangerous with no fuel tanks and full throtle, I accept no responsibility for sudden high gees and instant death although this may be fun turn down your speakers.

Please be carefull of the fact that the craft may roll when turning, If this occurs please wait for the craft to right its self and turn the sas on.


I have finally found how to upload!


More photos!

Edited by Atomictank
A link to download
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