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Module Manager scripts


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This thread has been created on request by TranceaddicT

The associated issue is located at https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/issues/157


Strings must be now explicitly stated either by single or double quotation marks, otherwise, they will be treated as variables, which might cause errors.

To create a new key, you must place '+' or '$' before the setter

All other existing syntax will be preserved

- getVar(variable)  get a variable, starting here
- getVarRoot(variable) - get a variable by the name, starting from root
or key correspondingly. The first parameter is optional and is used to track the number of calls. 
- Variables belonging to the local node are obtained by simply typing their name.
- To get variables from ancestors, use ##$...$ instead.
- regexp(pattern,string) - run regexp expression on a string
- sin, cos, tan, log10, ln, log2, expE, exp10, mod, exp, sec, csc, sqrt, curt, root, log - math functions
- getKey(...) :
  - 2 inputs: name, index - get a single **key** by **index**
  - 1 input: name - get all **keys** by name
  - 1 input: key - get key's value
  - no inputs - get all keys under all names
- getKeyValue(...): Like getKey(...), but gets values, not the keys themselves.
- setKey(...) :
  - 3 inputs: key name, index, value - set given key at the given index to the given value
  - 2 inputs: key, value: sets given a key to a given value
  - 2 inputs: keys, value: sets all given keys to a single value
  - 2 inputs: keys, values: sets keys to the corresponding values
  - 2 inputs: key name, values: sets keys under given name to the corresponding values
  - 2 inputs: key name, value: sets keys under given name to a single value
  - If you want to set multiple keys to a list, use setKeyDuplicate function
- setKeyDuplicate(...):
  - 2 inputs: key name, value: sets keys under given name to a single value
  - 2 inputs: keys, value: sets all given keys to a single value
- call(func, inputs): calls a function with given list of inputs
- getKey(...) :
  - 2 inputs: name, index - get a single **key** by **index**
  - 1 input: name - get all **keys** by name
  - 1 input: key - get key's value
  - no inputs - get all keys under all names
- getNodeValue(...): Like getNode(...), but gets values, not the nodes themselves.
- setNode(...) :
  - 3 inputs: node name, index, value - set given node at the given index to the given value
  - 2 inputs: node, value: sets given a node to a given value
  - 2 inputs: nodes, value: sets all given nodes to a single value
  - 2 inputs: nodes, values: sets nodes to the corresponding values
  - 2 inputs: node name, values: sets nodes under given name to the corresponding values
  - 2 inputs: node name, value: sets nodes under given name to a single value
  - If you want to set multiple nodes to a list, use setKeyDuplicate function
- setNodeDuplicate(...):
  - 2 inputs: node name, value: sets nodes under given name to a single value
  - 2 inputs: nodes, value: sets all given nodes to a single value
Setter prefixes
'$' as a modifier - creates a temporary variable
'$$' as a modifier - creates a long-term variable, but it is removed after all scripts finish.

Basic data types
String, node, key, number, boolean, list, anonymous function

Advanced data types
Achieved through specialized functions.

- \+ adddition
- \- substraction
- \* multiplication
- / division
- ^ exponent
- | OR
- ! NOT
- & AND
- \ XOR
- !| NOR
- !& NAND
- !\ XNOR
- = equal
- \> more
- < less
- <= !> not more
- \>= !< not less
- <> != not equal

- () parentheses
- <% ... %> code sections (they do not start a new node).
- [[...]] - list

It will need a new file format - which distinguishes it from simpler patches.
Suggestions for file extension:

- mm - from '**m**odule **m**anager'
- akp - from '**a**dvanced **k**erbal **p**atch'
- kscript - from '**k**erbal **script**'
- kpscript - from '**k**erbal **p**atch **script**'

- KSP API is too complex for beginners
- Existing capabilities are insufficient for extremely advanced users

Existing patches should not be called 'scripts' - they will be more advanced form of data.

- Define function: FUNCTIONDEF[...] <%...%>. Place inputs within square brackets, and in double curly brackets place code. The FUNCTIONDEF is a reserved name in this programming language (but not in CFG files). The first input names the function, following ones are input variable names.
- Define anonymous function: FUNCTIONANONYM[...] <%...%>. Place inputs within square brackets, and in double curly brackets place code. The FUNCTIONANONYM is a reserved name in this programming language (but not in CFG files).
- for($x = 0; #$x# < 10; @x += 1) - a 'for' loop
- foreach($x = 0;@NODE[y]) <%...%> or foreach($x = 0;#key) <%...%>and  - runs an action for every node or key 
- if(cond) <%...%> elseif(cond2) <%...%>} else <%...%>} - conditional statement
- fornode(node) <%...%> - run given code for a given node
- try <%...%> catch($exc) <%...%> - if first block throws an error or exception, call second block

'-' with text
"qwertyuiop" - 3 = "qwertyu"
3 - "qwertyuiop" = "rtyuiop"
3 - "qwertyuiop" - 3 = "rtyu"

Remove the last instance:
"anobnoa" -< "no" = "anoba" Remove last instance
"anobnoa" >- "no" = "abnoa" Remove first instance
"anobnoa" - "no" = "aba" Remove all instances

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2 hours ago, Nightside said:

What problems would this solve?

Would existing patches still work?

1. Parts could now have spaces in the name, and SMURFF could shrink a lot.

2. Yes, because scripts would have separate file format.

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4 hours ago, Monniasza said:

1. Parts could now have spaces in the name, and SMURFF could shrink a lot.

2. Yes, because scripts would have separate file format.

1a.  I thought this was a limitation of KSP?

1b.  This might be useful to me. I have a long neglected project (See "Transmogrifier" in my sig) which is basically an add-on to SMURFF which resizes models to realistic dimensions and recalculates resource capacities as well. 

2. Oh, yeah. Good idea.



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  • 1 month later...
On 6/24/2020 at 10:12 PM, Nightside said:

1a.  I thought this was a limitation of KSP?

1b.  This might be useful to me. I have a long neglected project (See "Transmogrifier" in my sig) which is basically an add-on to SMURFF which resizes models to realistic dimensions and recalculates resource capacities as well. 

2. Oh, yeah. Good idea.



Do you have any plans for these scripts? I plan to use scripts extensively in LPG module of SSTO Project.

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