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Returning to Kerbin!


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I've recently been rediscovering KSP after not having played for a few years!

I couldn't believe how long it had been! I think I stopped playing around the time 1.0 came out... that was 2015! :o

But I guess that explains how I've forgotten how to play! I felt like I was pretty good back in the day, but I feel like I have relearn even the basics now!

I've also been working on an add-on that I'm getting ready to release! I'm currently in my final year of university doing a double degree in computer science and games development and thought this would be a fun project to practice my modelling/texturing skills as my studies have had me focusing mainly on code for the last few years.

It's a 2.5m version of the Science Jr. that I've dubbed the Science Pancake as I wanted it to maintain the same mass (as well as the other stats) as the original, so I've squashed it down to make it wider and shorter than the original (the assets are all new, including higher resolution textures).

I needed a few posts under my belt for approval, so I thought I'd drop in here and say hello!

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Hurray for mod-making as a learning device!

Making addons for Orbiter was how I got around really learning C++ 

I took a course for it, but working on the G42-200 StarLiner was the thing that really drove it all home.  Having a project you personally care about to apply your new skills on makes a world of difference when learning something like that.


Welcome Back - We've saved your seat for you. But I think someone stole your snacks while you were away...

Edited by Moach
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