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[1.9.1+] OPT Spaceplane Continued (beta) [Mar 24, 2025]


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3 hours ago, KIMCHI said:

Have a question for some reason I am at SSTOSpaceplanes for RP1 and I cannot re-enter with any of the OPT stuff its still at 1073K.

Deadly Reentry has patches for OPT. Makes OPT parts as weak to reentry heat as anything else. That, and OPT cockpits having large surface area makes them soak up heat and threaten to melt very easily.

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@KIMCHI OPT is definitely meant to be able to handle reentry very nicely. A few options (not all config manipulation) do exist:

  1. Delete DRE's config for OPT. (The easiest means but fully restores the arguably cheaty means by which OPT gets its durability.) The maxTemp and skinMaxTemp (heat limit) values don't get nerfed much actually... It's the thermalMassModifier that's really high (4 through 8) but gets nerfed down to 1. This key is a multiplier and causes parts to absorb that many times more heat energy before rising by the same temperature.
  2. Edit the config. Everywhere you see the value "2706" or roughly that, change it to 3250. This will cause all parts to have the heat limit (melting point) of a real material that's considered for spaceplane hulls, and come close to being made of whatever fairings are made of. I don't expect this to be too helpful, but it's a fair buff granted that reentry is supposed to be deadly.
  3. OPT's engines (under RO) should still offer very generous Isp. Perhaps try to focus more on: sharp ascents; less air-breathing exploitation and more vacuum optimization (which means longer insertion and deorbit burns); use of more airbrakes (especially OPT's included airbrakes).
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@KIMCHI DeadlyReentry has its own config, right at GameData/DeadlyReentry/DeadlyReentry-OPT.cfg Hopefully you are using the version maintained by Starwaster.

OPT Reconfig has its own config: GameData/OPT/OPT_DRE.cfg which should mirror the (fixed) config within DRE. Delete both of these, or delete one and edit the other.

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  • 2 weeks later...

will this be updated for 1.10 or above as the lift and control surfaces are different in newer versions and don't work on anything above 1.9 cause most the mods I'm using Don't work with 1.9.

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7 hours ago, lorange7 said:

will this be updated for 1.10 or above

You are aware that the "+" in "[1.9.1+]" in the thread title means that, right? "That version and beyond."

I regularly (re)-install mods that were last updated for 1.8 onto my 1.12.x install. The only real concern I have with versioning is the Unity version that KSP runs on, and the stock shiny shaders which only go back to 1.7.

The only things that can cause lift surface problems are: If you have an empty FerramAerospaceResearch folder in GameData, or; You have some realism mod installed that has a patch that contains :FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch]. Either way, MM thinks FAR is installed, and FAR patches are running when they shouldn't. When FAR is present, stock lift modules go poof.

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20 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

You are aware that the "+" in "[1.9.1+]" in the thread title means that, right? "That version and beyond."

I regularly (re)-install mods that were last updated for 1.8 onto my 1.12.x install. The only real concern I have with versioning is the Unity version that KSP runs on, and the stock shiny shaders which only go back to 1.7.

The only things that can cause lift surface problems are: If you have an empty FerramAerospaceResearch folder in GameData, or; You have some realism mod installed that has a patch that contains :FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch]. Either way, MM thinks FAR is installed, and FAR patches are running when they shouldn't. When FAR is present, stock lift modules go poof.

ok thanks i assumed it was the change from 1.9 to 1.10 but i have a corrupt far mod still installed thanks i probaly wouldnt have found this otherwise

Edited by lorange7
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  • 2 weeks later...
12 hours ago, The Primordial Wanderer said:

Hi, where can I get support for this mod? For some reason none of the control surfaces have their 'control' tab displayed in SPH and they don't work overall.

Please see the two posts immediately above yours.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Im running a modded 1.12.3 game and I've installed OPT and the reconfig through spacedock because people are saying it still works fine. However, I cant use any of the parts, as in they just dont show up at all, although the loading screens and flags show up. I have B9 Part switch via CKAN. Any suggestions? Cheers
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6 hours ago, LOFTBI said:
Im running a modded 1.12.3 game and I've installed OPT and the reconfig through spacedock because people are saying it still works fine. However, I cant use any of the parts, as in they just dont show up at all, although the loading screens and flags show up. I have B9 Part switch via CKAN. Any suggestions? Cheers

You should have GameData/OPT/ not GameData/Somethingelse/OPT/ and not GameData/Somethingelse/<has OPT files in it>. Part configs tend to expect the models to be in a fixed location, so a folder rename or bad folder location can easily break a mod. User error can always happen somewhere, or maybe CKAN happened to downloaded OPT incorrectly. Refresh your CKAN and try again. (You can use CKAN to install it. Go to Settings -> Compatible game versions -> tick the checkboxes as far back as 1.8. It's pretty safe to go that far. )

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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8 hours ago, I suck at KSP said:

Why aren't  my elevons working?

On 7/3/2022 at 2:55 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

The only things that can cause lift surface problems are: If you have an empty FerramAerospaceResearch folder in GameData, or; You have some realism mod installed that has a patch that contains :FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch]. Either way, MM thinks FAR is installed, and FAR patches are running when they shouldn't. When FAR is present, stock lift modules go poof.

If you did this already then be sure to delete GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache so KSP can properly regenerate it and properly read from it. Sometimes it fails to update when you change mods.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having an issue with IVA's in the OPT cockpits. I have the latest RasterPropManager mod installed, I belive correctly as I have: Gamedata/JSI. I have both the OPT main and OPT config (lastest versions) installed direcly in the Gamedata folder as well. I also have ASET in the gamedata folder as: GameData/ASET/ASET_Props. 

The issue I am having is that the IVA panels show up, but are non-interactable; buttons do not press nor show up their text. Any suggestions?


EDIT: Disregard this, I had the wrong RPM mod installed. Working perfectly now.


Edited by ChavezAndreas
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  • 1 month later...

I got a problem looked really rare. I couldn't find exsited answer from anywhere.

Testing MARGE engine, everything looks fine in atmosphere(except the low ISP but I can take it), but when my plane reached space and I switched to CLOSE mode, MARGE stopped. The leftdown corner tells me engines need INTAKE AIR instead of the air from my tanks(when I have more than 10000 intakeatm in tanks, it works while I was using open mode). By the way I have a working reactor so no power shortage.

I am sure this is not some kind balance setting because the description tells me a closed MARGE can only generate 9 kN on surface and hundreds in space, so using this heavy thing's close mode on surface is unacceptable. Something must go wrong when I switch to close mode.

Please someone tells me why this vac close mode needs intake air???

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@TLCore I'm not sure what to tell you. The warpjet engines are setup that if you have Community Resource Pack (and not WBI Classic Stock Resources) then they'll require IntakeAtm. If you have Classic Stock at all then the engines will require "Atmosphere" resource. Delete GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache and restart KSP. If this doesn't work, delete this file again and re-download and cleanly reinstall OPT.

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56 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@TLCore I'm not sure what to tell you. The warpjet engines are setup that if you have Community Resource Pack (and not WBI Classic Stock Resources) then they'll require IntakeAtm. If you have Classic Stock at all then the engines will require "Atmosphere" resource. Delete GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache and restart KSP. If this doesn't work, delete this file again and re-download and cleanly reinstall OPT.

You are too humble - You know exactly what should tell me.

The second step just solved my problem. THANKS!

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Eh another problem.


Testing Dark Engine. It can work just fine but its DV shows ZERO  in factory and in flight, bar is also red totally, it cause MJ operate slow(for days..).


It also happens on many other mod engines.

Tried to add empty segments like this, but it didn't work.  


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@TLCore Your screenshot over there tells me your test ship contains a Making History engine plate. For a time it was a cause of issues concerning crossfeed and engines failing. I hope you're not using it in your OPT ship.

I don't know what to tell you since the Dark Drive contains its fuel so crossfeed and dV problems absolutely shouldn't be possible. Well... if the engine is the root part, don't let it be. I hear KSP doesn't like that.


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11 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@TLCore Your screenshot over there tells me your test ship contains a Making History engine plate. For a time it was a cause of issues concerning crossfeed and engines failing. I hope you're not using it in your OPT ship.

I don't know what to tell you since the Dark Drive contains its fuel so crossfeed and dV problems absolutely shouldn't be possible. Well... if the engine is the root part, don't let it be. I hear KSP doesn't like that.



Eh sorry it is not my own screenshot above, just an example while I was trying to find answer(and his solution not working for me).

I can be sure this 0 DV display problem will appear even when I have only 4 parts(cockpit, fuel, EC and dark drive) for a ship and no matter other parts are stock or not. I also never set engine as root part.


I check the log and didn't find warning or error...

I have already deleted all other unnecessary mods and reinstall OPT like what you told me to my last question, but the game still can not read the how many DV I have ( Dark Drive run perfectly though)

Before I deleted others, this bug also happened on many engines from Interstellar Technologies.


Update: I started to use CKAN and it might tell me why it happened - It used red highlight on OPT so it is incompatible with my game version... Just in case I wanted to ask does everyone else use this mod on older version game so they don't have this 0 DV display bug?

Edited by TLCore
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