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BobCat Ind. - Colonization, exploring and research vehicle


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Nah. Good things come to those who wait, and awesome things come to those who are REALLY patient.

As much as I would like to see this out tomorrow, don't release it until YOU'RE satisfied. After all, the first rule of mod development is "make it for yourself, and then share it with the world."

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Mark4 and DROP realese the resolution of any problems, and passing all the tests. Now they are ready, but require further development to them were pleasant to fly and ride. Otherwise we will have to produce a lot of patches later. We do not want to release the crude product.

Let me remind you that we are very recently engaged in the creation of add-ons, and even small problems cause difficulties in solving them, which takes time.

Moreover, due to innovations, drop quite difficult to manage, you need to learn to land and transport, as well as leave it requires certain skills, so will make some drivers like to Use our equipment.

At present there is an extended testing and hunt for small bugs that presentedin quantity.

Together with Mark 4, I think free will release the module to change the cargo module, so that everyone was able to make something of their own, having a template.

Edited by BobCat
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Mark4 and DROP realese the resolution of any problems, and passing all the tests. Now they are ready, but require further development to them were pleasant to fly and ride. Otherwise we will have to produce a lot of patches later. We do not want to release the crude product.

Let me remind you that we are very recently engaged in the creation of add-ons, and even small problems cause difficulties in solving them, which takes time.

Moreover, due to innovations, drop quite difficult to manage, you need to learn to land and transport, as well as leave it requires certain skills, so will make some drivers like to Use our equipment.

At present there is an extended testing and hunt for small bugs that presentedin quantity.

Together with Mark 4, I think free will release the module to change the cargo module, so that everyone was able to make something of their own, having a template.

So, let me make sure I'm translating ths right:

1. The Mk 4 and the Drop pod are almost ready from a release standpoint. There are still a few bugs to work out before you want to go for a public release, ones that will cause a less-than-pleasant experience while using the vehicles.

2. The Drop pod will also require people to develop new styles of flying in order to land it safely, and exiting the pod will also require new skills.

3. You're currently on a bug hunt, and using large amounts of Raid.

4. You're thinking about releasing a "blank slate" part to allow for new development and creations.

If this is correct, then I say the following:

1. Part of development hell. Choosing a few insiders to alpha test the existing package would be a good way to ensure that the end product meets expectations.

2. Who cares? So did the spaceplanes, MechJeb, and the new planets. We're up to and drooling over the chance to push the limits of our skills. :cool:

3. Again, alpha testing can prove vital here. Also, buy stock in Dow Chemicals. You're gonna need a LOT of Raid.

4. Cool. That's going to be a hot product.

If I have mistranslated any of your statements, please feel free to correct me. After all, i's 1:21 AM local while I finish this post. I might not be at full mental capacity. :P

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We're not too far from release, but it's going to be as right as we can make it before we release it. That's just the way we roll. Bobcat didn't mean to say that we have a lot of bugs to resolve, just that we need to get mass balanced for smooth flight characteristics, and get parts balanced for game-play with stock parts.

The "difficult to manage" part is the fact that due to game and plugin limitations, you have to understand the VAB well. For example:

Since we want people to be able to use mechjeb if they wish, and mechjeb flies according to the pods original up axis, we need to orient the Mk4 pod vertically in the VAB. But since the cart plugin suspension responds strangely unless the parts original local orientation points the wheels down, we need to orient the chassis horizontally in the VAB. If you are not familiar with rotating parts in the VAB, this can be a frustration.

Also, the game has a glitch where the last up axis parsed in the part.cfg connection nodes must be the first axis with a part attached in the VAB. The other up axes don't work until then. So the parts need to be assembled in a certain order. Another potential frustration here.

Since we have no control over other plugins or attachment node function, we need to accept these build idiosyncrasies so that we can enjoy functionality and eye-appeal of the Mod.

As far as the DROP being hard to manage, not really. The issue lies in the mass balance. Since it is balanced for vertical flight it can be a little twitchy when landing horizontally, because the COG is centered for vertical flight with default accessories attached. I have no problem with that, but some may find it challenging. But we're looking at these little details and trying to give the mod the best function possible before release.

The end result is that the Mk4 Mod will be released very flight worthy and as easy to fly as possible. But, it will take more skill and planning to land a Mk4. You'll need to to plan your balance for vertical liftoff, as always, and also for horizontal landing...consider that a challenge. :wink:

I think it's worth the wait. :)

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Hey guys, just some things to say:

I have plenty of time on my hands, so I would like to voulenteer to be a tester, to give:

A: Feedback, what do i think, is it too hard, too stubborn?

B: Bug reports. Since that is what you are doing, I could take a lot of your hands if I test it, and give lots of bug reports.

C: I would work full time on this, I am ready to be a full on tester, so that you release sooner, and make people more happy :)

Next of all, my opinions:

For one thing, the DEMV itself was hard to land :sticktongue: so the D.R.O.P should be a challenge, but still ok. As I said, if i was a tester, I could say weather its too hard for average people to land it.

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The suspence killing me!

Me as well, I want to get the Mk4 released and then move on to the mind-numbingly huge project we have planned next.

...and contrary to the rumors, it has nothing to do with firing pumpkins to Kerbin escape velocity with compressed air cannons.

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Me as well, I want to get the Mk4 released and then move on to the mind-numbingly huge project we have planned next.

...and contrary to the rumors, it has nothing to do with firing pumpkins to Kerbin escape velocity with compressed air cannons.

What about the payload modules?

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