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CKAN downloading at bytes

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I have a problem with ckan, when i download anything the speed at the start is enough to download  300kbs, but after that it just drops to a few bytes per second of download.

i have restarted my pc as my router, and made sure i have an up to date version of ckan. my internet speed when tested was 50mbs/s.


dont know what to do, just wanna install the mods for R.O

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CKAN is just a directory; it doesn't actually store the mod contents. Mods can be hosted at github, spacedock, or elsewhere. If any of those other sites are slow then CKAN will be slow. For example, your screenshot shows CKAN is downloading from github.

Next time CKAN is slow, try to immediately download the mod manually and see if it's slow.

If CKAN and manual downloads are both slow, then it's not a CKAN issue. Github might be slow, your ISP might have a routing issue with github, or your PC might be having issues.

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