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Mod Community Base for 0.17


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Minmus Prime (located at 25 01 43 N 172 33 47 E) has been expanded with two vehicles type DEMV mk 2 and two sheds.

As we have had more time (and i had nothing better to do, hurray!) i decided to add some fueltankers to Minmus Prime.



Added DEMV mk2 mod : http://www.kerbal.net/mod.php?id=39

Added Rotating Antennhttp://www.kerbal.net/mod.php?id=27

I will cease flying now for a while. First of all, all major components have been added to the base, secondly, my work and study will be very demanding the coming week and third, i need to practice flying to the other planets now.

Cheers, until later.

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My flight to Eve was about as successful as an underpowered lander is likely to get in an atmosphere. I ended up 5.6 km away from Eve Base 1, but my 3-man lander had an independent rover attached. Bob was perfectly happy staying 5 km away from Jeb, but Gregdun hopped out and held onto the rover's ladder for a ride over to say hi to the legendary pilot.

The craft is too big for the launchpad because I was using large tanks to keep the part count down. So, after designing it in the VAB, I moved it over to the SPH folder for a runway launch.


Liftoff! From here, I pretty much went straight into the interplanetary injection burn; I'd timed liftoff to be at dawn when the planetary alignments were right.


After getting to the right spot and doing the minus-normal burn to line up orbits, a little bit of a retrograde burn and some fine-tuning got me set up for a close pass over Eve.


Landed, with the rover detached and ready to roll. Landing was ugly; braking rockets for long enough to safely open the chute, and then again just before the chute opened fully to keep it from ripping off, and one final time right before touchdown.


The current base, with the lander housing Bob & Gerlorf in the distance.


The crewman who rode the rover over has taken shelter in Jeb's crewpod.

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come on is everybody abandoning this community base what a downer you dont just abandon stuff

I'm certainly NOT abandoning this community base but i have to take a break or else everything i have to do will be done insufficiently. I prefer to do things good. Besides, if KSP becomes stressfull it's time to shutdown for a while.

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I haven't abandoned this. I just got too busy to update it for a few days.

Mercaholic, I don't even see you signed up for a turn. You could at least sign up to contribute to the Kerbin/Mun/Minmus part of it, if you can't get to the other planets yet. If you like, I'll add you for a turn there.

Everyone else - hollie.socks PM'ed me to say to move on. I'm prepping the next turn now!

I order to let as many people as possible fly, I'm requesting a turn on the Kerbin base, and moving myself down one on the Duna one to let the next person fly. Really, though, it's in everyone's best interest to sign up for any planets you want to add to; then you get to fly turn after turn to different destinations!


New turn started! Saphira has been removed from the list, I had PM'ed when the last turn started asking for the qualifying pic and saying that they'd have to reapply if they didn't post it before the next turn started. The roster for this time around:

Current turn (ends on October 4 at 2 AM GMT)

Moho - no one

Eve/Gilly - no one

Kerbal/Mun/Minmus - khyron42

Duna/Ike - Nutt007

Jool & Moons - KingJeb

Anyone who's already gone who wants another turn, let me know which planet(s) and I'll get you on the lists.

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Mercaholic has PM'ed asking to be added to the Kerbin/Mun/Minmus list.

Here's my "Mobile Munar Colony". I landed outside a crater near the Mun's south pole and then drove carefully down into the crater.


I was going to also add some kind of craft at the Minmus base, but ran out of time.

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Just an Auwsome idea, if we use a docking mod, like ODRA or something we can buid a space station.

For example. I put in orbit the central node, you put your module, et voilà we a international space station!

I second this idea.

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That's a good idea... but I haven't seen bioman222 or or mrpamplemoose or Hierarch request a turn yet =) request a turn for as many planets as you like, you'll be added to the list for the planets you chose, and when your turns come up you can add whatever you like in orbit or on the surface of the planet & moons you're getting a turn at.

Mercaholic, you missed the point - your save looks like you didn't install the other plugins, so everything people did before you got deleted. Your actual turn is starting, though.

I'm going to drop the "qualifying flight" requirement for all turns after this one, I know it's a long time to fly to the planets and you'd rather take your turn if you're flying there anyway. But please, if you can't successfully fly to a planet, don't sign up for it!

I've given KingJeb way longer than the turn was supposed to run for. A new turn starts now and runs through the early hours of October 9th.

Current turn (ends on October 9 at 2 AM GMT)

Moho - no one

Eve/Gilly - no one

Kerbal/Mun/Minmus - mercaholic75

Duna/Ike - The Destroyer

Jool & Moons - lcbrewer

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Hmm. The lack of any updates from this turn is bad.

Those of you who have interest in still participating - what should I do? Not about this turn, just in general. I can try to combine all of the current saves into one, or keep doing it this way. I really thought this setup of 5-turns-at-once would be more fun for people and let the lists move along, with "frequent players" getting turns every few days. Instead, no one's signed up for most of the planets and no one's uploading their turns on the ones they did sign up for. I'm not sure why - is interplanetary travel too hard for people at this point in the game, or what?

Regardless, I'm signing up for a turn to put a small station around Moho.

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In my case, it is not su much a lack of interest. I simply can't spare the time to prepare for a flight. Work and study claim too much time and effort to sign up for any planet. I've populated the Minmus base with almost everything (except the fuel transfer mod) to have a survival/replenish base. It seems a bit pointless to add anything to it at the moment.

I don't agree with Zekes about merging all the persistent files into one. Not only will the available flights be reduced but it also will cause memory problems for participants much sooner than when they remain separate.

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Since I hadn't moved on to the next turn yet - one more day for you.

I'm going to send a PM now to everyone next up on the lists to make sure they'll be able to fly. hopefully that's all it will take to get things back on track.

I just finished an all stock + mechjeb round trip to Duna and back with the attached design, kinda fun. 347 days total time. I think I'll take that design and add Erkle's docking mod, and take it out for my turn at Jool (maybe with a rover to leave behind too.) There was a LOT of fuel left in the interplanetary atomic stage that I'll use the docking mod to leave in orbit while I land.

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Sorry, I've let this go too long. Again.

lcbrewer, I PM'ed you after you posted that asking that you attach the save file. Without a save file, it's not like anyone else can land there to join your base.

The Destroyer, still no turn?

I have to go out for the day; in about 10 hours, I'll be back, and the new turn will be starting then. I'll include anything you two manage to post before then but won't be delaying it any longer!


New turn. To allow turns to actually be completed, it'll run for a few days.

Current turn (ends on October 18 at 8 AM GMT)

Moho - no one

Eve/Gilly - no one

Kerbal/Mun/Minmus -no one

Duna/Ike - DArkB0mb3rz22

Jool & Moons - khyron42

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