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Auto collect science


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hi, generally x-science is very useful but I would like to know if is there any mod that can help me in this scenario:
In a hypothetical eve flyby where the Pe is 90km and the max speed is 4750m/s, when I'm under 400km, so in Low Space,
I have to collect EVA Reports and Gravity Scans at the same time, for each biome, so when a new biome is under me, I have to:

- press EVA Button to leave the pod
- press x-science EVA Report
- press the green button "keep experiment" (maybe this is facultative cause the science window disappear when re-entry the Pod)
- press the B key to enter the Pod.
- wait for the EVA Button reappear after few seconds together with Jeb Portrait.

then for gravity:
- press x-science Gravity Scan
- press the green button "keep experiment"
- press the hotkey to "collect all" into the RC-001S RGU.

you can imagine the problem is when at that speed the trajectory overfly a large amount of biomes in a very small flytime:
it's a pain to hit several keys and buttons so fast and it can happen some science get lost.
what can I do in order to collect all possible science?
is there a mod that automatically do that, that is automatically collect EVA and Gravity?

Edited by antipro
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1 hour ago, antipro said:

what can I do in order to collect all possible science?

One option is to change the biome option of the EVA and crew reports, so you'd only need to EVA in space high/low and can run the biome reports from the safety of the capsule:


// Swap Crew report and EVA report biome-dependence in space low
// Author: pwhk
@EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[crewReport]]:FINAL           { @biomeMask = 23 }
@EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[evaReport]]:FINAL            { @biomeMask = 7  }



You might want to use it together with "Store My Reports":



1 hour ago, antipro said:

is there a mod that automatically do that

Not fully automatic (you'd still need to EVA and board manually) as I understand it. I haven't tried this one:



Edited by HansAcker
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