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Kopernicus .CFG, normal map and texture map placement query

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Greetings again fellow kerbonauts!

Hope you're all having a great day ^^, i just figured i'd ask where to put my .CFG (and by extension Normal/height map and texture files) within KSP's GameData folder, as i believe i have everything i require to get the planet working ^^, i have the CFG, the Normal/Height map (both are the same file, idk if that's not something i'm supposed to do or if that'll break anything, if not i'll make a separate height/normal map) and the texture, but i do not know where to place the files exactly, also, for some reason, when i get into KSP, Eeloo and Moho are mysteriously absent from the System, idk if this is because of a particular mod i have or not, but that seemed odd to me considering i never did anything myself to remove them, i know that's not relevant to this post but i figured i'd mention it just in case someone's got any kind of idea as to why this is happening.


so yeah ^^", like i said, i just wanted to ask where do i put my files and in what folders do i place them into, i got Kopernicus working and when i put the files i made into the GameData folder, started KSP, and went to find the planet, it was nowhere to be found, alongside that missing planet glitch and a strange texture bug with Kerbin on the main menu screen, if anyone would be able to help me out that would be very much appreciated! ^^


Thanks for reading, stay safe and have a great day!





Edited by Shadewhisker
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