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[1.12.x] Cacteye 2 Refocused Full Release


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Im so glad to find it updated. I thought this mod was dead. I remember when I was 14/15 12/13 I loved this mod so much. And that was already 6 years ago 9 years ago. Thanks <3! 

Edit: Oh wait, that was back in 2014... 

Edited by BlackBourn
it was 9 years ago, no 6 :O
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Have both Space Dust and Cacteye installed and was wanting to have access to the original Space Dust telescope model which gets overwritten by this mod, so I wrote up a patch to split the versions so that they can coexist. Thought I'd post it here in case anyone else wanted to use it. Also, I was having issues with the Cacteye telescope tubes duplicating endlessly in the tech tree and this might fix that issue (my guess is that this was the result of two parts with the same name getting created at every game load), but I can't be sure until I test it for a while on my main save.


//Delete the old parts to prevent duplication

//Recreate Space Dust Telescope
	name = spacedust-telescope
	module = Part
	author = Chris Adderley (Nertea)
	rescaleFactor = 1
		model = SpaceDust/Parts/Scanning/spacedust-telescope-1

	scale = 1

	node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -1.254, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1
  node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, -1.254, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 1

	TechRequired = advScienceTech
	entryCost = 52000
	cost = 25000
	category = Science
	subcategory = 0
	title = #LOC_SpaceDust_spacedust-telescope-1_title
	manufacturer = #LOC_SpaceDust_manufacturer_postkerbin
	description = #LOC_SpaceDust_spacedust-telescope-1_description
	attachRules =1,1,1,1,0
	mass = 3
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.25
	minimum_drag = 0.25
	angularDrag = .5
	crashTolerance = 8
	breakingForce = 200
	breakingTorque = 200
	maxTemp = 1500
	bulkheadProfiles = srf, size1p5

	tags = #LOC_SpaceDust_spacedust-telescope-1_tags

    name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
    // Power cost per second when scanning
    PowerCost = 12
    // Animation
    ScanAnimationName = OpenDoor
    // Size of the lens/mirror, for calcuations
    ObjectiveSize = 1.8
    // FOV (radians)
    FieldOfView = 0.000969627362992369

      name = slot1
      Instrument = None
      name = slot2
      Instrument = None

    name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
    moduleID = instrumentSlot1
    switcherDescription = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_slot1_title

      name = None
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_none
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_none_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_none_detail
      primaryColor = #111111
      secondaryColor = #111111
      addedMass = 0
      addedCost = 0

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot1
            Instrument = None
      name = XeInstrument
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_xe
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_xe_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_xe_detail
      primaryColor = #60a7be
      secondaryColor = #60a7be
      addedMass = 0.2
      addedCost = 50000

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot1
            Instrument = XenonSpectrometer
      name = OxInstrument
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_ox
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_ox_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_ox_detail
      primaryColor = #3399cc
      secondaryColor = #3399cc
      addedMass = 0.2
      addedCost = 50000

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot1
            Instrument = OxidizerSpectrometer
      name = LFInstrument
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_lf
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_lf_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_lf_detail
      primaryColor = #3399cc
      secondaryColor = #3399cc
      addedMass = 0.2
      addedCost = 50000

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot1
            Instrument = LiquidFuelSpectrometer
    name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
    moduleID = instrumentSlot2
    switcherDescription = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_slot2_title

      name = None
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_none
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_none_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_none_detail
      primaryColor = #111111
      secondaryColor = #111111
      addedMass = 0
      addedCost = 0

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot2
            Instrument = None
      name = XeInstrument
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_xe
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_xe_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_xe_detail
      primaryColor = #60a7be
      secondaryColor = #60a7be
      addedMass = 0.2
      addedCost = 50000

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot2
            Instrument = XenonSpectrometer
      name = OxInstrument
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_ox
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_ox_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_ox_detail
      primaryColor = #3399cc
      secondaryColor = #3399cc
      addedMass = 0.2
      addedCost = 50000

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot2
            Instrument = OxidizerSpectrometer
      name = LFInstrument
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_lf
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_lf_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_lf_detail
      primaryColor = #3399cc
      secondaryColor = #3399cc
      addedMass = 0.2
      addedCost = 50000

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot2
            Instrument = LiquidFuelSpectrometer

//Create large Cacteye telescope version
	name = cacteye-spacedust-telescope
	module = Part
	author = Chris Adderley (Nertea)
	rescaleFactor = 1
		model = CactEye/Parts/SpaceDust/Scanning/spacedust-telescope-1
		scale = 1.25, 1.25, 1.25

	scale = 1

	node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -1.5675, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 2
	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, -1.5675, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 2

	TechRequired = largeElectrics // advScienceTech
	entryCost = 52000
	cost = 25000
	category = Science
	subcategory = 0
	title = CactEye Telescope Optical Tube
	manufacturer = CactEye Optics
	description = Originally developed by an overseas agency as a wind analysis satellite, we swapped a few sensors to make a small telescope. This telescope will not allow much science return, but it is useful as an easy way to increase the rate at which near-Kerbin asteroids are found.\nThis is the main part of the telescope. Attach a service bay directly underneath this piece with necessary modules inside.
	attachRules =1,1,1,1,0
	mass = 3
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.25
	minimum_drag = 0.25
	angularDrag = .5
	crashTolerance = 8
	breakingForce = 200
	breakingTorque = 200
	maxTemp = 1500
	bulkheadProfiles = srf, size1p5

	tags = #LOC_SpaceDust_spacedust-telescope-1_tags

		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
		animationName = OpenDoor
		startEventGUIName = Open Bay
		endEventGUIName = Close Bay
		actionGUIName = Toggle Bay
		evaDistance = 1.85

		name = CactEyeOptics
		isSmallOptics = false
		scienceMultiplier = 1.0
		CameraTransformName = GameObject
		CameraPartOwner = CactEye

		cameraForward = 0, 0, 1
		cameraUp = 0, 1, 0
		cameraPosition = 0,0,1
		name = ModuleTestSubject
		situationMask = 32
		useStaging = False
		useEvent = True

//Create small Cacteye telescope version
	name = cacteye-spacedust-telescope-small
	module = Part
	author = Chris Adderley (Nertea)
	rescaleFactor = 1
		model = CactEye/Parts/SpaceDust/Scanning/spacedust-telescope-1
		scale = 0.66, 0.66, 0.66

	scale = 1

	node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.82764, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1
	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, -0.82764, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 1

	TechRequired = spaceExploration //advScienceTech
	entryCost = 52000
	cost = 25000
	category = Science
	subcategory = 0
	title = CactEye Telescope small Optical Tube
	manufacturer = CactEye Optics
	description = Originally developed by an overseas agency as a wind analysis satellite, we swapped a few sensors to make a small telescope. This telescope will not allow much science return, but it is useful as an easy way to increase the rate at which near-Kerbin asteroids are found.\nThis is the main part of the small telescope. Attach a service bay directly underneath this piece with necessary modules inside. 
	attachRules =1,1,1,1,0
	mass = 1.5
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.25
	minimum_drag = 0.25
	angularDrag = .5
	crashTolerance = 8
	breakingForce = 200
	breakingTorque = 200
	maxTemp = 1500
	bulkheadProfiles = srf, size1p5

	tags = CactEye telescope optics science aperture

		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
		animationName = OpenDoor
		startEventGUIName = Open Bay
		endEventGUIName = Close Bay
		actionGUIName = Toggle Bay
		evaDistance = 1.85

		name = CactEyeOptics
		isSmallOptics = false
		scienceMultiplier = 0.5
		CameraTransformName = GameObject
		CameraPartOwner = CactEye

		cameraForward = 0, 0, 1
		cameraUp = 0, 1, 0
		cameraPosition = 0,0,1
		name = ModuleTestSubject
		situationMask = 32
		useStaging = False
		useEvent = True


Edited by SpacedInvader
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  • 8 months later...
On 3/15/2024 at 9:26 PM, redekr said:

didn't find any option to turn it off...

I just did some testing.  It only seems to use EC when the GUI is open, so if you close the GUI, it should stop.  Can yoy check that  please?

Admittedly I only tested with one of the processors, but it should apply to all.  If you still have an issue, please specify all the details about the vessel:

  • Camera
  • Installed Processors
  • Anything else which might be using EC

A log file, parts list and the vessel itself would be helpfil if you could

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So I'm having some sort of conflict between this mod and MechJeb2. Whenever they're installed at the same time, MechJeb's menus get forced up into the upper left corner and some of them don't show up at all. Anyone had anything similar?

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  • 1 month later...

@linuxgurugamerI having some weird issue when i use wield field camera after prolonged orbit :

[ERR 12:07:30.899] CactEyeOptics: CactEye 2a: Exception 4: An error occurred producing a science report!

[ERR 12:07:30.899] CactEyeOptics: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at CactEye2.CactEyeWideField.DoScience (UnityEngine.Vector3 TargetPosition, System.Single scienceMultiplier, System.Single FOV, UnityEngine.Texture2D Screenshot, CactEye2.CactEyeProcessor ActiveProcessor) [0x0005d] in <e08a3f5eb40f416aa1288d32ace20675>:0
  at CactEye2.TelescopeMenu.MainTelescopeWindowGUI (System.Int32 WindowID) [0x00a68] in <e08a3f5eb40f416aa1288d32ace20675>:0


https://www.mediafire.com/file/jbi3dbsmonz57f5/KSP.zip/file my log


Edited by Syczek
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  • 3 months later...

Hello, I am greatly enjoying the mod however there seems to a few contracts that are impossible to complete. It requires you to be in the SOI of the moon (Destination: Mun) but also take a widefield picture of the Mun which is impossible since you cant target bodies while in their SOI. I got similar contracts for Eve and Minimus.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/15/2023 at 3:00 AM, SpacedInvader said:

Have both Space Dust and Cacteye installed and was wanting to have access to the original Space Dust telescope model which gets overwritten by this mod, so I wrote up a patch to split the versions so that they can coexist. Thought I'd post it here in case anyone else wanted to use it. Also, I was having issues with the Cacteye telescope tubes duplicating endlessly in the tech tree and this might fix that issue (my guess is that this was the result of two parts with the same name getting created at every game load), but I can't be sure until I test it for a while on my main save.


  Reveal hidden contents
//Delete the old parts to prevent duplication

//Recreate Space Dust Telescope
	name = spacedust-telescope
	module = Part
	author = Chris Adderley (Nertea)
	rescaleFactor = 1
		model = SpaceDust/Parts/Scanning/spacedust-telescope-1

	scale = 1

	node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -1.254, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1
  node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, -1.254, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 1

	TechRequired = advScienceTech
	entryCost = 52000
	cost = 25000
	category = Science
	subcategory = 0
	title = #LOC_SpaceDust_spacedust-telescope-1_title
	manufacturer = #LOC_SpaceDust_manufacturer_postkerbin
	description = #LOC_SpaceDust_spacedust-telescope-1_description
	attachRules =1,1,1,1,0
	mass = 3
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.25
	minimum_drag = 0.25
	angularDrag = .5
	crashTolerance = 8
	breakingForce = 200
	breakingTorque = 200
	maxTemp = 1500
	bulkheadProfiles = srf, size1p5

	tags = #LOC_SpaceDust_spacedust-telescope-1_tags

    name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
    // Power cost per second when scanning
    PowerCost = 12
    // Animation
    ScanAnimationName = OpenDoor
    // Size of the lens/mirror, for calcuations
    ObjectiveSize = 1.8
    // FOV (radians)
    FieldOfView = 0.000969627362992369

      name = slot1
      Instrument = None
      name = slot2
      Instrument = None

    name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
    moduleID = instrumentSlot1
    switcherDescription = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_slot1_title

      name = None
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_none
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_none_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_none_detail
      primaryColor = #111111
      secondaryColor = #111111
      addedMass = 0
      addedCost = 0

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot1
            Instrument = None
      name = XeInstrument
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_xe
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_xe_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_xe_detail
      primaryColor = #60a7be
      secondaryColor = #60a7be
      addedMass = 0.2
      addedCost = 50000

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot1
            Instrument = XenonSpectrometer
      name = OxInstrument
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_ox
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_ox_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_ox_detail
      primaryColor = #3399cc
      secondaryColor = #3399cc
      addedMass = 0.2
      addedCost = 50000

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot1
            Instrument = OxidizerSpectrometer
      name = LFInstrument
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_lf
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_lf_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_lf_detail
      primaryColor = #3399cc
      secondaryColor = #3399cc
      addedMass = 0.2
      addedCost = 50000

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot1
            Instrument = LiquidFuelSpectrometer
    name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
    moduleID = instrumentSlot2
    switcherDescription = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_slot2_title

      name = None
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_none
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_none_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_none_detail
      primaryColor = #111111
      secondaryColor = #111111
      addedMass = 0
      addedCost = 0

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot2
            Instrument = None
      name = XeInstrument
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_xe
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_xe_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_xe_detail
      primaryColor = #60a7be
      secondaryColor = #60a7be
      addedMass = 0.2
      addedCost = 50000

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot2
            Instrument = XenonSpectrometer
      name = OxInstrument
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_ox
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_ox_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_ox_detail
      primaryColor = #3399cc
      secondaryColor = #3399cc
      addedMass = 0.2
      addedCost = 50000

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot2
            Instrument = OxidizerSpectrometer
      name = LFInstrument
      title = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_lf
      descriptionSummary = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_lf_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_SpaceDust_switcher_instrument_lf_detail
      primaryColor = #3399cc
      secondaryColor = #3399cc
      addedMass = 0.2
      addedCost = 50000

          name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
            name = slot2
            Instrument = LiquidFuelSpectrometer

//Create large Cacteye telescope version
	name = cacteye-spacedust-telescope
	module = Part
	author = Chris Adderley (Nertea)
	rescaleFactor = 1
		model = CactEye/Parts/SpaceDust/Scanning/spacedust-telescope-1
		scale = 1.25, 1.25, 1.25

	scale = 1

	node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -1.5675, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 2
	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, -1.5675, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 2

	TechRequired = largeElectrics // advScienceTech
	entryCost = 52000
	cost = 25000
	category = Science
	subcategory = 0
	title = CactEye Telescope Optical Tube
	manufacturer = CactEye Optics
	description = Originally developed by an overseas agency as a wind analysis satellite, we swapped a few sensors to make a small telescope. This telescope will not allow much science return, but it is useful as an easy way to increase the rate at which near-Kerbin asteroids are found.\nThis is the main part of the telescope. Attach a service bay directly underneath this piece with necessary modules inside.
	attachRules =1,1,1,1,0
	mass = 3
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.25
	minimum_drag = 0.25
	angularDrag = .5
	crashTolerance = 8
	breakingForce = 200
	breakingTorque = 200
	maxTemp = 1500
	bulkheadProfiles = srf, size1p5

	tags = #LOC_SpaceDust_spacedust-telescope-1_tags

		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
		animationName = OpenDoor
		startEventGUIName = Open Bay
		endEventGUIName = Close Bay
		actionGUIName = Toggle Bay
		evaDistance = 1.85

		name = CactEyeOptics
		isSmallOptics = false
		scienceMultiplier = 1.0
		CameraTransformName = GameObject
		CameraPartOwner = CactEye

		cameraForward = 0, 0, 1
		cameraUp = 0, 1, 0
		cameraPosition = 0,0,1
		name = ModuleTestSubject
		situationMask = 32
		useStaging = False
		useEvent = True

//Create small Cacteye telescope version
	name = cacteye-spacedust-telescope-small
	module = Part
	author = Chris Adderley (Nertea)
	rescaleFactor = 1
		model = CactEye/Parts/SpaceDust/Scanning/spacedust-telescope-1
		scale = 0.66, 0.66, 0.66

	scale = 1

	node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.82764, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1
	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, -0.82764, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 1

	TechRequired = spaceExploration //advScienceTech
	entryCost = 52000
	cost = 25000
	category = Science
	subcategory = 0
	title = CactEye Telescope small Optical Tube
	manufacturer = CactEye Optics
	description = Originally developed by an overseas agency as a wind analysis satellite, we swapped a few sensors to make a small telescope. This telescope will not allow much science return, but it is useful as an easy way to increase the rate at which near-Kerbin asteroids are found.\nThis is the main part of the small telescope. Attach a service bay directly underneath this piece with necessary modules inside. 
	attachRules =1,1,1,1,0
	mass = 1.5
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.25
	minimum_drag = 0.25
	angularDrag = .5
	crashTolerance = 8
	breakingForce = 200
	breakingTorque = 200
	maxTemp = 1500
	bulkheadProfiles = srf, size1p5

	tags = CactEye telescope optics science aperture

		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
		animationName = OpenDoor
		startEventGUIName = Open Bay
		endEventGUIName = Close Bay
		actionGUIName = Toggle Bay
		evaDistance = 1.85

		name = CactEyeOptics
		isSmallOptics = false
		scienceMultiplier = 0.5
		CameraTransformName = GameObject
		CameraPartOwner = CactEye

		cameraForward = 0, 0, 1
		cameraUp = 0, 1, 0
		cameraPosition = 0,0,1
		name = ModuleTestSubject
		situationMask = 32
		useStaging = False
		useEvent = True


hello how do i apply your patch to my save?


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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Why is SpaceDust.cfg completely commented out? Couldn't find any info in the change log or the file itself. It seems to be using NEEDS properly so not sure why it has to be manually enabled if SpaceDust is installed. Has it become deprecated?

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On 12/31/2024 at 7:17 PM, Drew Kerman said:

Why is SpaceDust.cfg completely commented out? Couldn't find any info in the change log or the file itself. It seems to be using NEEDS properly so not sure why it has to be manually enabled if SpaceDust is installed. Has it become deprecated?

IIRC... Cacteye, by default, merges the functionality of the Spacedust telescopes into it's own telescopes and removes the spacedust-only scopes. The spacedust.cfg file restores the Spacedust telescopes for use as parts with different names (although the Cacteye scopes still have both functions). It's commented out because most users just use the combined parts.


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  • 1 month later...

Hello, thanks to everyone involved in this mod.

Since I don't use kis/kas I wanted to use the serviceable parts with the stock construction and inventory systems. Looks like it was easy, I wrote a small MM patch to add them the cargo module needed for it. I'll post it here, in case anyone needs it too. If it's necesary to say so, @linuxgurugamer you can add it to the mod if you think it deserves it.


        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2

Edited by Elkram
Adding spoiler
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14 hours ago, marxman28 said:

SpaceDock says this was recently updated. What's the update?

Very small change, I forgot to post:

New update,

  • Thanks to github user @svm420 for this:
    • Change from hardcoded Date Values to dynamically seting those values from the home world in game
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11 hours ago, Elkram said:

Hello, thanks to everyone involved in this mod.

Since I don't use kis/kas I wanted to use the serviceable parts with the stock construction and inventory systems. Looks like it was easy, I wrote a small MM patch to add them the cargo module needed for it. I'll post it here, in case anyone needs it too. If it's necesary to say so, @linuxgurugamer you can add it to the mod if you think it deserves it.

  Reveal hidden contents

        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 2

Thanks.  I'll look it over, but first glance is that the volumes are off.  I checked a few ways:


  • KSP PartVolume mod calculated :     packedvolume =58
  • A similarily sized part from DMagic Orbital Science, the GoreSat has a packed volume of  49
  • Stock Mystery Goo has a packedVolume of 75. 
  • When I forced KSP PartVolume to calculate the stock Mystery Goo, it came up with a value of packedVolume = 76

These numbers are in liters.  Packed volume can also be discussed, but in general, completed parts like these really can't be made any smaller


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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Thanks.  I'll look it over, but first glance is that the volumes are off.  I checked a few ways:


  • KSP PartVolume mod calculated :     packedvolume =58
  • A similarily sized part from DMagic Orbital Science, the GoreSat has a packed volume of  49
  • Stock Mystery Goo has a packedVolume of 75. 
  • When I forced KSP PartVolume to calculate the stock Mystery Goo, it came up with a value of packedVolume = 76

These numbers are in liters.  Packed volume can also be discussed, but in general, completed parts like these really can't be made any smaller


Oh! I had no idea how it worked. I copied the module from thta little thing that is used to empty the fuel tanks, then I changed the stack amount to 1. I thought it was somewhat the same... Thanks, I'll change it in my side. I supose anyone interested could change it.

And thanks for all the wonderfull work you have done with an incredible amount of mods!

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2 minutes ago, Elkram said:

Oh! I had no idea how it worked. I copied the module from thta little thing that is used to empty the fuel tanks, then I changed the stack amount to 1. I thought it was somewhat the same... Thanks, I'll change it in my side. I supose anyone interested could change it.

And thanks for all the wonderfull work you have done with an incredible amount of mods!


I'd go with the value of 58, that's calculated from the actual dimensions


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Well, just in case someone needs it with accurate values, I'll post it here fixed with that value:


        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58


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2 hours ago, Elkram said:

Well, just in case someone needs it with accurate values, I'll post it here fixed with that value:

  Hide contents

        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = 58


I'll incorporate this into the next release

New release, 1.5.4

  • Thanks to forum user @Elkram for these patches
    • Patches to add the ModuleCargoPart to all the processors
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