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[PLUGIN 0.17] AdamKSP - Show Phase and Ejection Angle, DRAW trajectory on map - v0.6


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Something strange happened.. Earlier it was working fine, but now I can't move that AdamKSP window around my screen, it's stuck in that really annoying place right in the middle. It won't move no matter what I do. Any ideas?

I've had this happen with other GUI elements added by other plugins, so it's not limited to this mod (I've seen this with MechJeb, ORDA, Orbital Construction, and Warp Clamp). I suggest a restart.

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This is fantastic, thank you so much! I've been having trouble finding the correct angles with just a protractor.

May I make a suggestion for your next iteration? Integrate the transfer formula into it, so you can select which planet you want to go to and it will give you a target angle and time remaining until you should burn.

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I've never used mechjeb and would really prefer to do all the piloting myself. I think it'd be a great idea to have all the info there (phase angle needed, countdown to burn time etc.) and continue piloting myself. That way I'm using a computer to do the math but still controlling the flight.

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Something went wrong with the new version of the plugin it seems. It reads the totally wrong ejection angle. I measured my angle with a protractor and I was at 114°, but AdamKSP insists I am at -204°.

I had this problem as well yesterday.It was counting down from 500 something to 170 and went back up to 500 again. That happened to me, when I reloaded a quick save.

Edited by Gunhed
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Something strange happened.. Earlier it was working fine, but now I can't move that AdamKSP window around my screen, it's stuck in that really annoying place right in the middle.

It happends when you add more than one part to ship.

I had this problem as well yesterday.It was counting down from 500 something to 170 and went back up to 500 again.

There are few angles added there, so 500 angle equals 500 - 360 = 140 angle. I should add removing full angles from it.

I measured my angle with a protractor and I was at 114°, but AdamKSP insists I am at -204°.

Did you measure same angle? AdamKSP always shows from prograde, but when going to lower orbit calculator shows angle counted from retrograde.

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It happends when you add more than one part to ship.

There are few angles added there, so 500 angle equals 500 - 360 = 140 angle. I should add removing full angles from it.

Did you measure same angle? AdamKSP always shows from prograde, but when going to lower orbit calculator shows angle counted from retrograde.

I don't get what you mean, it was working fine a few days ago. Now it's showing weird angles.. The old way of displaying ejection angles in your plugin was perfect, imo you should just put it back to that.

Great work on the plugin though, it made my missions so much easier. Using a protractor was so annoying ^^

Edited by whatisthisidonteven
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Ok, I think that i fixed that ejection angle weird behavior.

Anyway - i see some weird orbits here. For example Dune has circular orbit, but sun is not in center of it. This may cause some trobule i think. I always thought that star has to be in one of "centers" (i dont know proper english word for it) of orbit ellipse. Circular orbit = both centers in one place.

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Erm, do you mean that Duna has some measure of eccentricity? A circular orbit has an eccentricity of zero; anything between 0 and 1 is elliptical. See this page. If planetary orbits are also elliptical, not to mention having different inclinations...well, Squad sure isn't making interplanetary flight a walk in the park. O.o

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Ok, I think that i fixed that ejection angle weird behavior.

Anyway - i see some weird orbits here. For example Dune has circular orbit, but sun is not in center of it. This may cause some trobule i think. I always thought that star has to be in one of "centers" (i dont know proper english word for it) of orbit ellipse. Circular orbit = both centers in one place.

Duna's orbit isn't circular, if that's what you're trying to say.

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Duna's orbit isn't circular, if that's what you're trying to say.

Well, i measured it, and it sure looks like circle.


large rectangle on Duna's orbit = square

small rectangle shows where is center of that big square ( Duna orbit) - not on Sun center.

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Its orbit around the Sun isn't circular, watch its altitude through its orbit - It changes a lot.

Well, yes. But shape of orbit IS CIRCLE, just sun isnt in center of it. Thats the problem.

Look here:


1. The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the two foci.

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This is a semantic argument. It's an ellipse, not a circle. A circle would have the sun at both foci.

Hmm, but it really is a circle. ( or ellipse with both foci in one place ). Just Sun is not in foci (one or both). Which violates Kepler 1st law, i think.

Also orbit calculator AFAIK assumes that orbits are:

a) circular

B) follow Keplers 1st law ( Sun is in center of circles)

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Keep working on this, some people don't want to use MechJeb. TerranCmdr's suggestion isn't in MechJeb either, and it would make this even more useful.

I agree. I don't like mechJeb, because it's too huge an complex for me. This mod is great. Just please add hiding the panel.

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Yup, my suggestions were because I don't want to use MechJeb. I almost consider it a form of "cheating." :P

Anyway, am I being stupid? I copied all the files from the zip into my ksp_win folder, and when I put the chip on my ship and launch it, all I get is a little grey rectangle in the center of my screen. I assume that would be the interface I'm looking for, but it's nothing but a tiny rectangle. Any ideas...?

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