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RP-1 Recovery plane

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7 hours ago, piodd said:

but i don't want to build this plane again . Becouse i lose time for that (and money) .How to do so so that you can only refuel and fly again

You would need to park it off the runway, or else it will be deleted the next time you fly something there. Refueling it will be a problem, though. The game provides no way to do this other than launching a fuel carrier and docking/clawing it to the plane. 

Also, your question has been moved to Gameplay since it is seeking help rather than offering it. 

And welcome to the forum. :D

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Hello piodd,

Recovery works by giving you the funds credit for all the parts you recover.  If you recover the vessel (your plane) while it's on the runway, you get the full value of the parts.  The further from the runway you are when your recover it, the less value you will get.

You do not get funds returned for the fuel you burned, but fuel is cheap, typically about 5-10% of the value of a vehicle.  

The idea is to recover your plane.  The next time you need to launch it, you use the same plane from the Space Plane Hangar (SPH).  You shouldn't need to 'build' it from scratch again, just load the saved version.

If you are having trouble using the recovery feature, one suggestion is that a vessel needs to be motionless for recovery to work.  So bring it to a full stop and set the parking brake.  If that still doesn't work, report back.

Note- after recovery, the second summary screen you should see will tell you the value of the parts you recovered.  

For example, let's say your plane costs $100,000 to launch.  After you land it back on the runway and recover it, you might receive a credit of say $95,000.  In other words, it cost you $5,000 in fuel for your flight.

As Vanamonde said, you could also park it off the runway somewhere, and try to manually refuel it.  That's a difficult chore, but not impossible.  It is however much easier to simply recover the plane, get funds credit, and launch another one from the SPH for your next flight.  Financially, the two options are essentially the same.

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Below is a screenshot of me refueling a spaceplane without recovering it in between missions:


I could do that on the runway because I had the refueling truck parked next to (but outside of!) the runway before the plane landed. Depending on your difficulty settings you also have to deal with the fact that fuel may not flow through all parts, in particular not through the Klaw.

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I've already found a way to do it. And i don';t play stock KSP . I play RSS + RO + RP -1 so i can recover plane . And i have to build it etc i mean i lose time for build it . When you play with this mod you have to build planes / rockets. I mean to waste time for it. (in game time)

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