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Kerbals Reacting to another Kerbals Death.

Sky Kerman

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I think kerbals should react to rocket crashes on eva. Like kerbals reacting to  a crashed rocket on another hevenly body. And i think kerbals should act sad if only one kerbal can get out and deploy there eva chute on time, and the rest of the kerbals crash with the rocket.

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1 minute ago, NutellaSandwich said:

Seems like a cool idea... Maybe if that kerbal was the only one to escape, it would react sadder, maybe even relations, so the kerbal would react differently when that kerbal died.

YES! thats what i was thinking!

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13 minutes ago, jastrone said:

a rare chance for kerbals to hate each other so they laugh when the other dies?

Maybe... what if this relation develops over multiple flights, like : stage 1. Rivals ( can stop here ) 2. Enemies. 3. REALLY hate each other 4. Mortal enemy.

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10 hours ago, Sky Kerman said:


or maybe that the kerballs do ther work bader if they are angry at eachother. and the chance of them being angry at eachother increases when to have the same job such as two pilots and going on a mission for a very long time.

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Interpersonal crew management sounds like good material for a mod. It's like part degredation; crew degredation  resource management is probably a bit complicated for the vanilla game, even as a difficulty option. 

Edited by starcaptain
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