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Crash game inverted fuel tank after undo

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Fresh install, unmodded, new sandbox game, version (WindowsPlayer x64) en-us / 1.6.0 Breaking Ground.

Game crashes instantly after the following occurs while within either the VAB or the SPH:
- New vehicle.
- Select Mk1 Command Pod to place it as origin component.
- Attach a TD-12 Decoupler to the bottom node of the pod.
- Attach a C7 Brand Adapter - 2.5m to 1.25m fuel tank in default orientation to the bottom node of the decoupler.
- Click on the placed fuel tank to "hold" it.
- Press Ctrl-Z to replace the fuel tank.
- Flip the held fuel tank upside down by tapping the W key twice.
- Place the held fuel tank on the bottom node of the replaced fuel tank.

This has also occured with the Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3 fuel tank. I have not tried every fuel tank, nor every game mode besides sandbox.

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Hello and welcome to the forum!

Same setup here, but with Making History instead of Braking Ground.

I've reproduced the issue. Although my game won't crash, it throws a Stack Overflow Exception. Flipping the tank is not necessary, and it also happens with other tanks and structural parts. Have you considered filing a bug report?

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  On 1/13/2021 at 1:32 PM, Chemp said:

Hello and welcome to the forum!

Same setup here, but with Making History instead of Braking Ground.

I've reproduced the issue. Although my game won't crash, it throws a Stack Overflow Exception. Flipping the tank is not necessary, and it also happens with other tanks and structural parts. Have you considered filing a bug report?


Thank you Chemp for your response. I did not respond here right away because I was led to believe that this forum was where bugs were to be reported. Thank you for the helpful link, although once I read through the "ksp bug tracker wiki" I could not find an actual location to submit the report. Lots of useful formatting information, but no actual "submit bug here" info (unless I have missed it, in which case I apologize). Can you please expand on where to submit a bug report? Otherwise, I am glad that someone could re-produce this bug to prove that it needs fixing.

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  On 1/21/2021 at 1:12 AM, Christopher MR said:

Can you please expand on where to submit a bug report?


You'll need to create an account on the site. Once logged in, a "New issue" button appears in the "Issues" header.


I did see a similar issue once but that appeared to be constrained to BG parts. The stacktrace closely mirrored another report I read here in the past days, crashing in the Engineer's Report checks.

Edit: the KSP issues don't seem to be directly linked from the start page. I usually click through the Jump to a project/All projects/KSP/Issues path on the top right to get to https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/issues

Edit2: I haven't yet reproduced the problem but I didn't really try, either

Edited by HansAcker
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  On 1/22/2021 at 2:02 AM, HansAcker said:

You'll need to create an account on the site. Once logged in, a "New issue" button appears in the "Issues" header.


I did see a similar issue once but that appeared to be constrained to BG parts. The stacktrace closely mirrored another report I read here in the past days, crashing in the Engineer's Report checks.

Edit: the KSP issues don't seem to be directly linked from the start page. I usually click through the Jump to a project/All projects/KSP/Issues path on the top right to get to https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/issues

Edit2: I haven't yet reproduced the problem but I didn't really try, either


Thank you for your response HansAcker. I have successfully submitted the bug report, issue #27128. Thanks again for your help.

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