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[1.11+] Config-only modlets: Lunar XP Tweaks; Reasonable EVA Jetpack


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(Pre-)Release Download

Like many KSP players, I've developed a collection of config files primarily for personal use. However, a couple of these have actual gameplay impact that I haven't seen duplicated anywhere else, so I'm placing them here for discussion and development. 

Lunar XP Tweaks

Astronaut XP progression in stock KSP is unsatisfying: planting a flag on the Mun doesn't even get a kerbal to Level 2; it's impossible to get to Level 3 within the Kerbin system.

This changes several bodies' XP multipliers to place greater emphasis on flags-and-footprints missions to the Mun, Minmus, and Duna. A flag on either of Kerbin's moons are sufficient to reach Level 2; flags on both will grant Level 3; and a subsequent flag on Duna will provide Level 4.

As a side effect, lunar contracts will have somewhat greater rewards (and contracts in solar orbit will have lesser rewards.) This is because KSP uses the same variable ("recoveryValue") to tune both astronaut XP and contract values. Since stock career mode balance is a mess anyway, this behavior is deemed an acceptable trade-off.

  • Dependency: Kopernicus

Reasonable EVA Jetpack

The EVA jetpack in stock KSP is wildly overpowered. This tweaks jetpack capabilities so that it resembles NASA's Manned Maneuverability Unit. EVA propulsion remains suitable for local spacewalks, but orbital maneuvers are more limited, and unassisted descent or ascent on Minmus is out of the question.

  • Thrust, specific impulse, and propellant load have all been nerfed.
    • Thrust is 12% of stock (30 N, down from 259 N).
    • Specific impulse is 28% of stock (60 s, down from 211 s).
    • Propellant capacity is reduced from 25 kg to 12 kg.
  • Acceleration is now about 0.04g instead of around 0.33g.
  • Delta-V is now 100 m/s, down from 674 m/s.
  • EVA fuel cylinders have had their capacity and dry mass reduced.
  • Lunar surface EVA flight is now effectively impossible, so lander ladders become critical; the basic ladder has been moved in the tech tree from Space Exploration to Survivability.

This will affect all kerbals everywhere, including those already in flight; this is because KSP stores most of the relevant parameters in the KerbalEVA module, so it's not possible to create multiple types of jetpack with different characteristics. Consider installing this only on a new save; or at a minimum, back up your savegame first.

There are currently several known bugs and limitations that preclude additional features that I'd like to see here, such as alternative propellants and conservation of mass.

  • Dependency: KSP 1.11+


All work released here is licensed CC-BY-NC unless otherwise specified.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A new version of Reasonable EVA Jetpack has been released. 

This uses new fixes/features supported in KSP 1.11.1 to switch from generic stock EVA Propellant to CRP's Nitrogen as a propellant. This doesn't make much difference on its own, but has a couple of potential future benefits:

  • If resource transfer within cargo is implemented, then "free refills" can be disabled and conservation of mass will become possible! This would require some additional patches to store extra Nitrogen in command pods and/or external tanks. If this feature is of interest, vote for it on the bugtracker.
  • Following the above, interaction between this and other mods using Nitrogen would become meaningful. E.g., Nitrogen could be gathered ISRU via Rational Resources.
  • Finally and least likely, if it becomes possible to have different types of jetpack, then they could have different propellants.
Edited by PocketBrotector
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