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[1.12.x] Kopernicus Stable branch (Last Updated June 17th, 2024)


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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, users14 said:

When I splash down on the oceans of a planet I made, this weird graphical bug occurs:

I see a couple issues.  First, your fades aren't correct.  ScaledVersion should be fully faded in before PQS starts to fade out.  Assuming your PQS fadeStart/End are correct, then I suggest you use something like this:

			fadeStart = 90000
			fadeEnd = 110000
			fadeStart = 110000
			fadeEnd = 220000
			deactivateAltitude = 230000

You can tweak those numbers, but you want ScaledVersion/fadeEnd to be equal to or less than PQS/fadeStart.

The second issue is you are using PQS materialType = AtmosphericExtra.  That is ancient and is never really used anymore.  And I don't think the textures in CTTP are compatible with it.  The new shader that is pretty much used universally now is AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotation.  You should make that switch.  Also, the Material subnode is going to have to change a bit because the one you are using doesn't appear to be completely compatible with AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotation.  The following is an example of a Material subnode that you can use as a template - it is from stock Moho.  You can probably replace the textures with the ones from CTTP that you selected.  You can also tweak whatever other numbers need adjusting to suit your needs.

				factor = 7.73
				factorBlendWidth = 0.1
				factorRotation = 15
				saturation = 1
				contrast = 1
				tintColor = 1,1,1,0
				specularColor = 0.0754716992,0.0754716992,0.0754716992,0.200000003
				albedoBrightness = 1
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 0
				steepTexEnd = 200000
				steepTex = BUILTIN/MohoSteep
				steepTexScale = 1,1
				steepTexOffset = 0,0
				steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/MohoSteep_nrm
				steepBumpMapScale = 1,1
				steepBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				steepNearTiling = 2000
				steepTiling = 20
				lowTex = BUILTIN/MohoLow
				lowTexScale = 1,1
				lowTexOffset = 0,0
				lowTiling = 100000
				midTex = BUILTIN/MohoMid
				midTexScale = 1,1
				midTexOffset = 0,0
				midTiling = 100000
				midBumpMap = BUILTIN/MohoMid_nrm
				midBumpMapScale = 1,1
				midBumpMapOffset = 0,0
				midBumpTiling = 100000
				highTex = BUILTIN/MohoMid
				highTexScale = 1,1
				highTexOffset = 0,0
				highTiling = 100000
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.3
				highStart = 1
				highEnd = 1
				globalDensity = 1
				fogColorRampScale = 1,1
				fogColorRampOffset = 0,0
				planetOpacity = 0
				oceanFogDistance = 1000

I really don't think the low and high textures even work.  At least they have never worked for me.  I always just used the midTex, which then gets applied to the entire planet.  The mid is also the only one that uses a bump map, which I've never understood.  If you can't get lowTex and highTex to work, then just omit them.

There could be other issues with your config that I didn't see.  I stopped looking when I got to AtmosphericExtra.  Hopefully the rest of it is good.


I just noticed something else - your planet has no template.  It is recommended that you always use a template.  A template just uses a stock planet as a starting place, then you change whatever needs changing rather than starting from scratch.  This assures that there is nothing critical omitted from your config because you didn't know or forgot to include it.  Your planet just inherits the missing item from the template.

Since your planet includes an ocean, I suggest using Laythe as the template.  Just add the following:

			name = Laythe
			removeAllPQSMods = True



Edited by OhioBob
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New in this latest version release-204:

1.) Fixed the antispam logic in the messaging system for kerbals near lethal scatters. No more spam!

2.) Added eratta note about BetterDensity and lethalScatters/heatemitters. These don't work well toghether, and possibly more things with BD, as that facility is pretty broken. Really, avoid BetterDensity and use in game density facilities when possible. Consider it deprecated.

See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, OhioBob said:



This really helped, but due to the "Laythe" template, my planet has an atmosphere, so I just decided to add a really thin one instead, and that should work well.

Edit: I was able to completely get rid of the atmosphere by turning off "Enabled" in an atmosphere node.

Edited by users14
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2 hours ago, users14 said:

Edit: I was able to completely get rid of the atmosphere by turning off "Enabled" in an atmosphere node.

That works, or I think you can also add  removeAtmosphere = True to the template.

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Posted (edited)

Another issue - When making gas giants, the gas giant seems to completely black out around the star. No matter what the config I did for the gas giant, it just won't work.


Planet Config:


        name = Ignis

            exportMesh = false
            update = false

            name = Jool

            displayName = Ignis
            description = Ignis
            radius = 8000000
            geeASL = 1.5
            rotates = true
            rotationPeriod = 41000
            tidallyLocked = false
            initialRotation = 0
            isHomeWorld = false
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 40409 80819 91638 263275 626550 1253100 2306200

                landedDataValue = 30
                splashedDataValue = 1
                flyingLowDataValue = 14
                flyingHighDataValue = 11
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 9
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 8
                recoveryValue = 8
                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 113000
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 1450000

            referenceBody = Deben
            color = 0.6, 0.1, 0.6, 1
            inclination = -2.24367
            eccentricity = 0
            semiMajorAxis = 1.197E+11
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0

            ambientColor = 1,0.725,0.5,1
            lightColor = 1,0.725,0.5,1
            enabled = true
            oxygen = false
            albedo = 0.51
            altitude = 400000
            staticPressureASL = 709.275

                key = 0 10066.25 0 -0.6723968
                key = 20000 3019.875 -0.1346587 -0.1346587
                key = 48000 1228.0436 -0.01449255 -0.01449255
                key = 246900 44.26 -0.001562163 -0.001562163
                key = 300000 4 -0.0001361465 -0.0001361465
                key = 240000 0.2 -1.001277E-05 -1.001277E-05
                key = 400000 0 0 0

            pressureCurveIsNormalized = false
            temperatureSeaLevel = 900

                key = 0 950 0 -0.000915663
                key = 20750 760 -0.000915663 -0.000915663
                key = 104750 560 -0.0001295 -0.0001295
                key = 167500 560 0.0001295 0.0001295
                key = 237500 700 7.079E-05 7.079E-05
                key = 400000 1290 0 0

            temperatureCurveIsNormalized = false
            temperatureLapseRate = 0.0024
            temperatureSunMultCurve = true

                key = 0 0 0
                key = 104750 0 0 0
                key = 167500 0.5 9.106E-06 9.106E-06
                key = 325000 1 0 0

                key = 0 0 0 0
                key = 90 -6 0 0

                key = 0 6 0 0
                key = 90 0 0 0

                key = 0 0.75 0 -1.5
                key = 1 -0.75 -1.5 0

            adiabaticIndex = 2
            gasMassLapseRate = 4
            atmosphereMolarMass = 0.001

                    0.0 = 0.72549,0.81961,0.83529,1
                    0.6 = 0.0549,0.0784,0.141,1
                    1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1
                texture = Deben/Textures/PluginData/IgnisClr.dds

Star Config: 


        name = Deben
        cacheFile = Deben/Cache/Deben.bin // Will generate automatically
            name = Sun // Stock planet to base it off of.
            displayName = Deben^N
            description = A B-type main sequence star.
            radius = 60168000000 // In meters.
            mass = 3.3374372e+29 // Mass for stars in kilograms.
            rotates = True
            rotationPeriod = 11232000 // In seconds.
            tidallyLocked = False
            // Additional properties can be added here.
            referenceBody = Sun
            color = 0,0,0,0
            nodeColor = 1,1,1,1
            inclination = 30
            eccentricity = 0.001
            semiMajorAxis = 2.718E14
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 135
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 90
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            // epoch = -180
            // period = 2E+300
            mode = OFF
            type = Star // "Atmospheric" or "Vacuum", this one's "Star"
            Light // light
                sunlightColor = 0.839,0.882,1,1
                sunlightShadowStrength = 0
                scaledSunlightColor = 0.839,0.882,1,1
                IVASunColor = 0.839,0.882,1,1
                ambientLightColor = 0.839,0.882,1,1
                sunLensFlareColor = 0.839,0.882,1,1
                givesOffLight = true
                sunAU = 13599840256
                luminosity = 29200000
                insolation = 1
                //brightnessCurve can be added if needed
                IntensityCurve // Intensity curve in flight (light on the craft)
                    key = 1000000000 62.12567907 -0.00000003106283954 -0.00000003106283954
                    key = 2000000000 43.92948896 -0.00000001098237224 -0.000000003882854942
                    key = 4000000000 31.06283954 -0.000000003882854942 -0.000000003882854942
                    key = 5263138304 27.08000609 -0.000000002572610154 -0.000000002572610154
                    key = 9832684544 19.81230914 -0.000000001007472021 -0.000000001007472021
                    key = 13599840256 16.84628894 -0.000000000619356133 -0.000000000619356133
                    key = 20726155264 13.64620136 -0.0000000003292024301 -0.0000000003292024301
                    key = 40839348203 9.721465691 -0.0000000001190208233 -0.0000000001190208233
                    key = 68773560320 7.491355295 0 0
                    key = 90118820000 6.544303026 0 0
                    key = 100118820000 6.208880306 0 0
                    key = 200000000000 4.392948896 0 0
                    key = 300000000000 3.586827754 0 0
                    key = 600000000000 2.536270227 0 0
                    key = 1200000000000 1.793413877 0 0
                    key = 12000000000000 0.5671272638 0 0
                    key = 12000000000000 0.5671272638 0 0
                    key = 120000000000000 0.1793413877 0 0
                    key = 4.26073E+15 0.03009740953 0 0
                    key = 9.46073E+15 0.02019802074 0 0
                ScaledIntensityCurve // Intensity curve in scaled version (map view and far away planets)
                    key = 166666.6667 62.12567907 -0.0001863770372 -0.0001863770372
                    key = 333333.3333 43.92948896 -0.00006589423344 -0.00002329712965
                    key = 666666.6667 31.06283954 -0.00002329712965 -0.00002329712965
                    key = 877189.7173 27.08000609 -0.00001543566092 -0.00001543566092
                    key = 1638780.757 19.81230914 -0.000006044832125 -0.000006044832125
                    key = 2266640.043 16.84628894 -0.000003716136798 -0.000003716136798
                    key = 3454359.211 13.64620136 -0.00000197521458 -0.00000197521458
                    key = 6806558.034 9.721465691 -0.0000007141249397 -0.0000007141249397
                    key = 11462260.05 7.491355295 -0.0000003267835165 -0.0000003267835165
                    key = 15019803.33 6.544303026 -0.0000002178558161 -0.0000002178558161
                    key = 16686470 6.208880306 -0.0000001860453501 -0.0000001860453501
                    key = 33333333.33 4.392948896 -0.00000006589423344 -0.00000006589423344
                    key = 50000000 3.586827754 -0.00000003586827754 -0.00000003586827754
                    key = 100000000 2.536270227 -0.00000001268135114 -0.00000001268135114
                    key = 200000000 1.793413877 -0.000000004483534692 -0.000000004483534692
                    key = 2000000000 0.5671272638 -0.0000000001417818159 -0.0000000001417818159
                    key = 2000000000 0.5671272638 -0.0000000001417818159 -0.0000000001417818159
                    key = 20000000000 0.1793413877 0 0
                    key = 710121745430 0.03009740953 0 0
                    key = 1576788412097 0.02019802074 0 0
                IVAIntensityCurve // Intensity curve in the IVA (cockpit view)
                    key = 1000000000 62.12567907 -0.00000003106283954 -0.00000003106283954
                    key = 2000000000 43.92948896 -0.00000001098237224 -0.000000003882854942
                    key = 4000000000 31.06283954 -0.000000003882854942 -0.000000003882854942
                    key = 5263138304 27.08000609 -0.000000002572610154 -0.000000002572610154
                    key = 9832684544 19.81230914 -0.000000001007472021 -0.000000001007472021
                    key = 13599840256 16.84628894 -0.000000000619356133 -0.000000000619356133
                    key = 20726155264 13.64620136 -0.0000000003292024301 -0.0000000003292024301
                    key = 40839348203 9.721465691 -0.0000000001190208233 -0.0000000001190208233
                    key = 68773560320 7.491355295 0 0
                    key = 90118820000 6.544303026 0 0
                    key = 100118820000 6.208880306 0 0
                    key = 200000000000 4.392948896 0 0
                    key = 300000000000 3.586827754 0 0
                    key = 600000000000 2.536270227 0 0
                    key = 1200000000000 1.793413877 0 0
                    key = 12000000000000 0.5671272638 0 0
                    key = 12000000000000 0.5671272638 0 0
                    key = 120000000000000 0.1793413877 0 0
                    key = 4.26073E+15 0.03009740953 0 0
                    key = 9.46073E+15 0.02019802074 0 0
            Material // The color and other visual properties
                noiseMap = BUILTIN/sunnoisenew
                emitColor0 = 0.839,0.882,1,1
                emitColor1 = 0.839,0.882,1,1
                sunspotTex = BUILTIN/sunsurfacenew
                sunspotPower = 0.01
                sunspotColor = 0.2875, 0.315, 0.0565, 1
                rimColor = 0.839,0.882,1,1
                rimPower = 10
                rimBlend = 5
                    scaleSpeed = 0.007
                    scaleLimitY = 5
                    scaleLimitX = 5
                    updateInterval = 5
                    speed = -1
                    rotation = 0
                        texture = BUILTIN/suncoronanew
                        mainTexScale = 1,1
                        mainTexOffset = 0,0
                        invFade = 2.553731
                    scaleSpeed = 0.009
                    scaleLimitY = 5
                    scaleLimitX = 5
                    updateInterval = 5
                    speed = 1
                    rotation = 0
                        texture = BUILTIN/suncoronanew
                        mainTexScale = 1,1
                        mainTexOffset = 0,0
                        invFade = 2.553731


Edited by users14
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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, users14 said:

Another issue - When making gas giants, the gas giant seems to completely black out around the star. No matter what the config I did for the gas giant, it just won't work.

I'm not seeing anything obviously wrong in the configs.  I'd like to test something, however.  What happens if you try to place another Jool in Ignis' place?  That is, let Ignis inherit all the settings from Jool except for name and location.  If that works, then maybe we can start to narrow on what the problem might be.  Try temporarily replacing your Ignis config with the following, and then report what happens:

		name = Ignis
			name = Jool
			displayName = Ignis
			referenceBody = Deben
			semiMajorAxis = 1.197E+11

By the way, we really shouldn't be having this discussion here in the Kopernicus thread.  These are issues with your mod that we are talking about and not issues with Kopernicus itself.  You should either start your own mod thread, or report back to me in a private message.

Edited by OhioBob
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  • 2 weeks later...

New in this latest version release-205:

1.) Fixed Kittopia heightmap exporting to use the proper range, stopping some heightmaps from clipping and other oddities.

2.) Added/edited a lot of the Kittopia export descriptions in Orbit and Atmosphere nodes with the help of our resident scientific genius, @OhioBob

See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.

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On 6/25/2024 at 2:59 PM, OhioBob said:

The current version works with 1.12.1 through 1.12.5.

Despite the numbering, It actually works with 1.12.0 as well but that is...  not really advisable lol.

New release:

New in this latest version release-206:

1.) Fixed the new Jool 1.10.x cloud shader sometimes not being stripped from modded bodies that share the name "Jool"

2.) Ring shader now supports up to 2 detail layers that fade in/out based on distance.

3.) Ring shader can now fade out on close camera proximity to avoid noticeable craft / near clip plane intersection.

4.) Fixed an issue where rings would jitter slightly on rotations.

5.) Thanks to @TheWhiteGuardian for these ringshader improvements.

See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.

PS:  I know I promised some users this release would expand support for lethalRadius parameter to PQSCities.  Sadly, that has not happened yet as I've been very busy and that's my are of the code that no one else can really work on...  maybe by the end of this month, with luck!

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I have an issue with my planet, which is made to work with Quackpack and serves as a small part of my main mod. Here's the (unfinished) config.


        name = Sarkas^N
            name = Kerbin
            removeAllPQSMods = true
            removeOcean = true
            description = Sarkas is a desolate desert world, with it's oceans reduced to puddles in salt flats by Kerbol's unforgiving light. Unlike it's brother Blas which suffers a similar fate, Sarkas has a breathable atmosphere, and 2 moons for it's thin but pretty rings. Despite this, Sarkas still feels a little lonely. Maybe you could give it a visit?
            radius = 450205
            albedo = 0.24
            geeASL = 0.74
            rotationPeriod = 25923
            rotates = true
            tidallyLocked = false
            initialRotation = 0
            isHomeWorld = false
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 81000 81000 150000 500000 500000 750000 1000000
                landedDataValue = 3
                splashedDataValue = 4
                flyingLowDataValue = 7
                flyingHighDataValue = 8
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 7
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 8
                recoveryValue = 8
                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 20500
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 350000
            referenceBody = Sun 
            color = 0.51,0.48,0.36,0.8
            inclination = 0.010264
            eccentricity = 0.012
            semiMajorAxis = 8450210877
            longitudeOfAcendingNode = 82
            epoch = 0.2
            type = Atmospheric
            fadeStart = 0
            fadeEnd = 3
                texture = Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Melanohelioi\Caches\Colormaps\SarkasColormap.xcf
                normals = Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Melanohelioi\Caches\Normalmaps\SarkasNormalmap.xcf
                shininess = 0.021
                specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
                rimPower = 4
                rimBlend = 0.3
                    0.0 = 0.37,0.74,0.86,0.8
                    0.5 = 0.41,0.53,0.58,0.79
                    1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1
            ambientColor = 0.48,0.38,0.26,0.8
            lightColor = 0.46,0.82,0.74,0.8
            enabled =    True            
            oxygen =    True            
            altitude =    81000            
            adiabaticIndex =    1.40            
            atmosphereMolarMass =    0.02917            
            temperatureSeaLevel =    295            
            staticPressureASL =    79.0335            
                key =    0    288    0.00000E+00    -5.18135E-03
                key =    4632    264    -5.18135E-03    -6.72753E-03
                key =    8794    236    -6.72753E-03    -3.70566E-03
                key =    12572    222    -3.70566E-03    -8.28500E-04
                key =    16193    219    -8.28500E-04    8.25309E-04
                key =    19828    222    8.25309E-04    1.34228E-03
                key =    23553    227    1.34228E-03    1.56209E-03
                key =    27394    233    1.56209E-03    1.51019E-03
                key =    31367    239    1.51019E-03    2.18076E-03
                key =    35494    248    2.18076E-03    2.32342E-03
                key =    39798    258    2.32342E-03    2.66904E-03
                key =    44294    270    2.66904E-03    8.64304E-04
                key =    48922    274    8.64304E-04    -1.74292E-03
                key =    53512    266    -1.74292E-03    -2.71801E-03
                key =    57927    254    -2.71801E-03    -2.60973E-03
                key =    62142    243    -2.60973E-03    -2.47709E-03
                key =    66179    233    -2.47709E-03    -2.57865E-03
                key =    70057    223    -2.57865E-03    -2.40320E-03
                key =    73802    214    -2.40320E-03    -1.92625E-03
                key =    77436    207    -1.92625E-03    -1.68350E-03
                key =    81000    201    -1.68350E-03    0.00000E+00        
                key =    0    1.000    0.00000E+00    -8.50604E-05
                key =    4632    0.606    -8.50604E-05    -1.15810E-04
                key =    8794    0.124    -1.15810E-04    -9.44944E-05
                key =    12572    -0.233    -9.44944E-05    -1.57415E-05
                key =    16193    -0.290    -1.57415E-05    2.50344E-05
                key =    19828    -0.199    2.50344E-05    4.05369E-05
                key =    23553    -0.048    4.05369E-05    4.50404E-05
                key =    27394    0.125    4.50404E-05    3.95167E-05
                key =    31367    0.282    3.95167E-05    2.42307E-05
                key =    35494    0.382    2.42307E-05    2.09108E-06
                key =    39798    0.391    2.09108E-06    -1.71263E-05
                key =    44294    0.314    -1.71263E-05    -2.80899E-05
                key =    48922    0.184    -2.80899E-05    -3.22440E-05
                key =    53512    0.036    -3.22440E-05    -3.03511E-05
                key =    57927    -0.098    -3.03511E-05    -2.06406E-05
                key =    62142    -0.185    -2.06406E-05    -9.90835E-07
                key =    66179    -0.189    -9.90835E-07    2.24342E-05
                key =    70057    -0.102    2.24342E-05    3.49800E-05
                key =    73802    0.029    3.49800E-05    3.27463E-05
                key =    77436    0.148    3.27463E-05    1.45903E-05
                key =    81000    0.200    1.45903E-05    0.00000E+00        
                key =    0    7.90335E+01    0.00000E+00    -9.37831E-03
                key =    4632    4.44438E+01    -5.80416E-03    -5.80416E-03
                key =    8794    2.49926E+01    -3.69668E-03    -3.69668E-03
                key =    12572    1.40544E+01    -2.23607E-03    -2.23607E-03
                key =    16193    7.90335E+00    -1.27737E-03    -1.27737E-03
                key =    19828    4.44438E+00    -7.05260E-04    -7.05260E-04
                key =    23553    2.49926E+00    -3.86065E-04    -3.86065E-04
                key =    27394    1.40544E+00    -2.10803E-04    -2.10803E-04
                key =    31367    7.90335E-01    -1.14654E-04    -1.14654E-04
                key =    35494    4.44438E-01    -6.21099E-05    -6.21099E-05
                key =    39798    2.49926E-01    -3.34921E-05    -3.34921E-05
                key =    44294    1.40544E-01    -1.80904E-05    -1.80904E-05
                key =    48922    7.90335E-02    -1.00540E-05    -1.00540E-05
                key =    53512    4.44438E-02    -5.84658E-06    -5.84658E-06
                key =    57927    2.49926E-02    -3.45738E-06    -3.45738E-06
                key =    62142    1.40544E-02    -2.03788E-06    -2.03788E-06
                key =    66179    7.90335E-03    -1.19829E-06    -1.19829E-06
                key =    70057    4.44438E-03    -7.01443E-07    -7.01443E-07
                key =    73802    2.49926E-03    -4.08069E-07    -4.08069E-07
                key =    77436    1.40544E-03    -2.36686E-07    -2.36686E-07
                key =    81000    0.00000E+00    0.00000E+00    0.00000E+00
                    map = Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Melanohelioi\Caches\Heightmaps\SarkasHeightmap.xcf
                    offset = -75
                    deformity = 2840.5
                    scaleDeformityByRadius = false
                    order = 20
                    enabled = true
                    map = Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Melanohelioi\Caches\Colormaps\SarkasColormap.xcf
                    order = 20
                    enabled = true
                    maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
                    minLevel = 2
                    maxLevel = 12
                    minDetailDistance = 8
                    oceanColor = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                        colorFromSpace = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                        color = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                        colorFromSpace = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                        color = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                            globalDensity = -0.00001
                            heightFalloff = 6.75
                            atmosphereDepth = 150000
                            DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
                            cameraAlt = 0
                            cameraAtmosAlt = 0
                            heightDensAtViewer = 0
                            enabled = true
                            order = 200
                                waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
                                waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
                                waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
                                waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
                                waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
                                waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
                                waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
                                waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
                            framesPerSecond = 1
                            spaceAltitude = 150000
                            blendA = 0
                            blendB = 0
                            texBlend = 0
                            angle = 0
                            specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
                            oceanOpacity = 0
                            spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
                            enabled = true
                            order = 200
                        fogColorEnd = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                        fogColorStart = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                        skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7

When i open KSP with this config, it gives the the classic "Possible corruption can occur if loaded on a save" message. If you could help that would be very appreciated!

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