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Motorized parts are crazy floppy

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Whenever I try to use a joint hinge or rotor they are crazy floppy badness. I made a simple docking arm on a base attachment rover (to move and attach base pieces) and even on minmus the joints are incapable of keeping still under any kind of motion. The arm carrying things flops and flies all over the place. 


Its like driving one of those wacky arm flailing inflatable things they put up at used car lots. 


Am I doing soemthing wrong? 


Heavily modded game, maybe a mod issue? 


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Could be a lot of things, do you have electric charge? are you using a motorized part or just free hinge? Have you set the part to lock and still floppy? Do you have a kal if you're planning on automated movement?

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Try increasing the damping settings on the robotic parts, or use a more powerful motor in the part or even a more powerful part- the motor in an electric screwdriver won’t be much good at shifting a jumbo jet’s main landing gear, and likewise using tiny robotics parts to move big and heavy rocket parts isn’t going to end very well.

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Yes quite comical to watch at times isn’t it.

The only solution I’ve found is to turn the speed down to 1 or 2 and use in conjunction with Quantum Struts which freeze any wobbling (use like on off switch to freeze). The QS wouldn’t work very well with a complicated arm of course.

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10 hours ago, Xt007 said:

Could be a lot of things, do you have electric charge? are you using a motorized part or just free hinge? Have you set the part to lock and still floppy? Do you have a kal if you're planning on automated movement?

Yeah, I have charge, and motorized. Or at least it darned well should be. Using defaults of tweaking params doesn't seem to help : /

for clarity my hinge settings are motorized yes, motor engages, and one power loss locked. 


I basically find these parts unusable now, which makes me sad, because I want to build my base constructor bots/trucks. But parts are flopping everywhere, including through my ships other parts. 

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On 4/20/2021 at 12:05 AM, colin_in_space said:

I made a simple docking arm on a base attachment rover (to move and attach base pieces) and even on minmus the joints are incapable of keeping still under any kind of motion. The arm carrying things flops and flies all over the place. 

The larger hinges are considerably stiffer than the smaller ones.

If your problem is that it's too floppy when you want it to be stationary, you can address that with autostruts.  Have a part on the distal side of the hinge autostrut to the root part or heaviest part-- i.e. something that's on the proximal side.  When you lock the joint, then the autostrut will activate and hold it rigid.  (When the joint isn't locked, then that breaks the autostrut and it will have that floppiness, so this solution won't help you if your issue is that it's too floppy while you're moving the hinge.)

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