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KSP:ad astrra


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31 minutes ago, Kerbaluser1234 said:

How do I create bases like from the movie ad astra without it lagging ?

I hear you. I've been playing this game since version 0.22 and it has come a long way. Here's what I discovered over the years when it comes to building a large base:

  • The more parts your base has, the slower your game will run.
  • Any vehicles near your base will also cause your game to run slow.
  • Visual mods and stock visual settings - the higher quality you set things for, the smaller you'll need to build your bases.
  • Don't build another base any closer than 30Km to any other base or structure. Doing so will slow down your game even more.

I want my game to be visually appealing and on my system, I have a few mods that add some environmental effects and have the graphics settings set as high as they can go. I've learned to build smaller, more compact bases with a purpose. Using a few mods, like Kerbal Planetary Base Systems, Modular Kolonization Systems, or Planetside Exploration Technologies,  you can build a pretty solid base without a lot of parts or heavy RAM usage.

One of the early lessons I had to learn the hard was was to define what the purpose of the base was. Because of the RAM usage issue and how Kerbal Space Program and Unity handle various things, I learned that just tossing a multi-purpose large base having at least 40 Kermen wasn't the best strategy. Instead I had to define what the base was going to be. For example, every base I make has the basics:

  • Some sort of crew quarters.
  • Some sort of greenhouse module/food producing module.
  • Some sort of command area/communications area.
  • Some sort storage area and fuel tanks.
  • A fuel cell (to convert LFO into electricity)

I make my bases large enough to accommodate between 6 to 8 Kermen. I use the mod, Snacks!, for the basic life support stuff, so that gives you a few challenges there. Of course, remember your solar panels, batteries, exterior lights, a few docking ports, and antennae for your station.

Once I get the basics in, I plan the rest of the station around the purpose for it:

  • A station solely for science will have a science lab. I also have goo containers and all the other planetary study materials needed to maximize science output.
  • A station that refines ore will have more storage tanks and a Convert-o-tron to process the ore into fuel.
  • I use Extraplanetary Launchpads to fabricate stuff on the various rocky worlds.
  • Recently, I have thought about creating a base whose sole purpose is to produce snacks and other life support needs for the other bases and to transport to ships in orbit. WHo knows, I might just do that one weekend.

And I also have a habit of creating multiple smaller bases on the various bodies simply to accommodate the way KSP handles larger and more complex bases. So, instead of one base that can do it all, I might have three or four little bases scattered about on any given body. I know it is not "prototypical" in real space programs, but it does the job well in KSP. And it also justifies building rovers and shuttle craft to keep the stations working together.

I hope this helps you some. :) 

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1 hour ago, adsii1970 said:

And I also have a habit of creating multiple smaller bases on the various bodies simply to accommodate the way KSP handles larger and more complex bases. So, instead of one base that can do it all, I might have three or four little bases scattered about on any given body. 

Yes, I do this too. Don't try to build a 'city' because that's lagfest. Try to colonize a whole planet with multiple bases.

I also use WOLF from the MKS mod, so most of my mining and processing of resources runs in the background without using precious cpu and ram...

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