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A Very Basic Space Program | RSS/RO/RP-1


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D0 avionics? When you have two upgraded levels to use instead which are lighter and use less power? And why, despite all the times it causes problems, do you still insist on using the same Castor SRB setup? And why SIX Castors on that launch when maybe two or three would have done it?

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A Very Basic Space Program | Episode 49 | KSP RSS/RO/RP-1


On 1/14/2022 at 10:50 PM, jimmymcgoochie said:

D0 avionics? When you have two upgraded levels to use instead which are lighter and use less power? And why, despite all the times it causes problems, do you still insist on using the same Castor SRB setup? And why SIX Castors on that launch when maybe two or three would have done it?

Yes, I may have missed the avionics upgrades…. I do see that…. In an episode or so :-(

I want the punch on launch as once they burn out the main engines need to be going at a decent pace to not have terrible gravity losses and give me the launch profile I wanted…. But yes, the decoupling… let’s just say it’s…. An acquired taste

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That's... not how to do a course correction. Decouple the big, heavy deadweight of the transfer stage and let the little probe move itself much more efficiently; if you have to wait to get a signal, wait. The transfer stage looked like it had no RCS propellant and no control at all when it was trying to point at the node, you might want to put some proper RCS thrusters and tanks on it.

Re the power problem, turn off a) the avionics and b) the antenna transmission (in AUTO), and if you have to disable some experiments too then do it. And re. the disappearing encounter with Mercury, check the third tab on the stock orbital info panel to see how far away you're actually going to be, the closest approach markers can be a bit glitchy sometimes.

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