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[1.12.5] SIMPLEX Assembly 1.6 and SIMPLEX Assembly Plus 1.5.1


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SIMPLEX Assembly

Download here: https://spacedock.info/mod/2827

Licence = CC-BY-NC-SA http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 

Simply, this adds the ability to manipulate all parts in EVA Construction mode, if you have enough Kerbals to handle those part sizes. 

With Sandcastle you can print any size 2 (2.5m part) including crewed pods!

THANKS TO @Gotmachine for getting the MM patching correct!


SIMPLEX Assembly Plus

Download here: https://spacedock.info/mod/3645

Includes a redistribution of Extraplanetary Launchpads under the GPL 3.0 licence.

Thanks to taniwha for Extraplanetary Launchpads and ze0Kerbal for Simple Construction.

Licence = GPL 3.0 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html


WHAT TO EXPECT from both

All parts can be manipulated in Construction Mode.

Crewed Parts no longer contain Inventories (means that you will be able to build with with Sandcastle)

Stock Inventory Parts have 80% more volume rather than a storage volume of half their bounding box size (stock has THICK walls)

Keridian Dynamics is now supported.  When Extraplanetary Launchpads is installed, the EL parts are hidden as the KD are so much prettier.

This also works with the Community Resource Pack OR SIMPLEX Resources.  It will default to Simplex Resources if both are installed.


WHAT TO EXPECT WITH the 1.6 update

Added VAB Organizer Support.


WHAT TO EXPECT WITH the 1.5 update

Fixed B9 Part Switch errors with SSPXr and KDVA and the SIMPLEX Resources.



Fixed Localization

Removed RocketParts from Assembly Plus Requirements.  Without SimplexResources this is now building with Ore!



Tidied up code, localisation

Made Printshop always appearing

New Big Workshop part the OAF Onsite Assembly Facility

Micro-pad disposable Part added

Stamp-O-Tron ground anchor works as Survey Peg (needs Assembly Plus)

Extraplanetary Launchpads is included (with Assembly Plus)



If KDVA Keridian Dynamics is installed, the Simplex Part Printshop is removed.



The 4x large container has the right number of models in the part.

The printer only appears with Sandbox.

Corrected the Sandbox printer containers to have the right volume.



The different sized printshops are now gone (game breaking),  replaced with a simple (KD-PAM style) Printshop.

Inventories to enable printing now a thing.  Printshop will only print if an inventory is available!

ReStock Plus volumes are added

Squad Expansion volumes are added

Part Volumes only added if SandCastle is installed.

Tidied up some code



Added Keridian Dynamics as a supported parts mod.   PAM parts with Sandcastle are printers.  Mobile VAB works as the Simplex parts do too.

Altered backlist and whitelist for the printers.  Lab parts are balcklisted globally, but whitelisted in the lab.  Parts too large for the containers are balcklisted, and Printing parts now work by volume not by parts.

This mod is now compatible with the Community Resource Pack, if you prefer that to SIMPLEX Resources



There are three builder parts (based on old Mk2 Lander Can model, with attached Mk3 shaped printing rooms) each has whitelist of parts that they can build.

The whitelist is basically what could ACTUALLY fit within the confines of a cargo bay.  I've taken the measurements from the Part Volumes mod for size, and then extrapolated (and rounded slightly) for volumes - not using the Part Volume sizing.

The concept was that the 3D print room was 3.25m by 2.75m (.25 metre clearance to the outside of the walls), and then the internal heights for Small is 2.5m , Medium 5m, and Large 7.5m

This means that MOST stock parts can be printed in the Large, a dozen or so less in the Medium, and around half the stock parts can be printed in the Small.

These Builder Parts can be found in the Utility tag in the VAB.


The lab is the only part that will produced batteries, fuel cells, parachutes, and eva parts like jetpack, repair kit etc.



Sandcastle with Simplex Resources requiring various ratios of MetalParts and CustomParts depending on Mods

Keridian Dynamics


Making History, Breaking Ground



 Exoskeleton mod:

Sandcastle mod:

Keridian Dynamics:



Edited by theJesuit
1.6 update
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I like the sound of this! Not gonna try it just yet, as I'm playing "almost pure stock" at present, but it's a definite candidate for once my tech tree is running out of new goodies to acquire, and I want to move on to more ambitious constructions.

Just had an idea: A nice partner for this would be a powered exoskeleton, that a Kerbal can wear to enhance their lifting ability three or four times (thus reducing the required crew-count on long-distnace building missions). Or perhaps just an "MLED" - Mechanical Lift Enhancement Device (a car jack!) that a Kerbal can carry in their inventory to double their lifting ability.  (And maybe it adds more to an engineer's lifting ability than to that of an "untrained" vertical elevation manipulation operative(TM), such as a mere pilot or scientist. =:o} )

D'OH!!! [SLAPS FOREHEAD] And I've just now seen the link to the Exoskeleton mod.

Oh well, at least now I know it wasn't a completely stupid idea!  =:oD


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8 hours ago, pbristow said:

almost pure stock" at present,

I would argue that at 0.5 the mod is also almost pure stock as it only removes crewpods inventory and allows all parts to be manipulated.  But that is my own version of 'stock'

Update soon for Sandcastle and SIMPLEX Resources compatability.

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Updated  to 0.6

Released on 2021-08-23

Update to 0.6

Added Sandcastle config for Simplex Resources

With Simplex Resources parts now require various ratios of MetalParts and CustomParts depending on which category it belongs too. If Simplex Resources isn't installed, then the default is stock Ore.

Still to come:

Sandcastle config for Community Resource Pack using MaterialKits and SpecializedParts which will have the same ratios as Simplex Resources.

Thinking of getting rid of the stacked CargoContainers in favour of (not opening) Mk3 and mk2 Cargo bays.  The 3D printers would then be part of these.

This would mean that you could build pretty much any size 2 part, including the MK2 lander can.  without having head cannon issues of them not quite fitting inside the stacked 4x 2.5m cargo containers.    

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This is where I am heading with SandCastle:

I'm going to also include an option to allow for Community Resource Pack MaterialKits and Specialised Parts if CRP is installed, but not Simplex Resources.  Note too, that Simplex Resources also changes (or used to?) how regular rockets are built with EL based of modules - but Sandcastle may take care of that for me - I haven't had time to check yet now that taniwha since has been back!

I'm also going to change the inventory parts that I have included.  Instead I'm thinking of using Mk3 cargo bays without the opening and closing doors though :), and using the welding mod to add in the original Mk2landercan  and IVA at the bottom.

So that means there will be a small, medium and large 'workshop' parts that will mean anything that is a 2.5m diameter part will be able to be printed.  Each workshop will have a limit on what it can create.

Some parts will be blacklisted to only be made with the lab, like science parts, probes, and parachutes and the cargo parts.

This will be in the 0.7 release over the next couple of days.


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So spent time this morning  working on the Ubio Welder to create the manufacturing parts.

I put an original mk2landercan as the base, a a  resized mk3 to 2 adapter 1/10th height, and first of all a small mk3 cargo bay, replaced with a mk3 small tank.  I replaced the cargo bay with the tank as the doors do strange things upon weldong and craft load.  All is well but if i cap it  back to 2.5m with adapter then i was not able to EVA out of the part.

Ot seems to be if the part is too tall then the EVA hatch is obscured for some reason.

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Updated to 0.7

Sandcastle printers, and volumes for most parts so they can be printed and stored

I'm considering making a standard print size rather than calculating volumes.  This would mean a volume based only on height for most parts.

Upon release, I'm also considering that I'll change the printers so that the crew module is separate from the inventories.  This would simplify the whitelisting as well.  TBF, the whitelisting will probably change to a blacklisting of lab only printed things.

I'm thinking that the printer crew module will become able to print all volumes, but only landed.  An orbital dock  would then include a 3D Printer that is much larger.  But there is may be an issue to ability to manipulate such large masses.   Not sure what to do about an orbital dock yet.


Oh.  I also made the decision for lab only parts. Parachutes because they are fabric, science parts because it is the lab (need calibration), batteries because  hazardous.

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13 hours ago, pbristow said:

Those all seem like sensible decisions. Looking forward to seeing the results!  =:o}



It would seem that the formulas for build ratios are difficult to piece together for a catchall formula between Extraplanetary Launchpads and Sandcastle.  But nevermind!

With SIMPLEX Resources, the EL formulas are made so that everything requires MetalParts, but I create a ratio with CustomParts when a PartModule is installed (as specified, so variant textures are included as an example, but the Command  module is, rcsFX, engine etc.). The more complicated a part, the higher the number of PartModules in its cfg, the more CustomParts you need.

But this is with SIMPLEX Resources, and has nothing to do with this mod, expect I'll add that functionality in if you are using this mod with the community resource pack, but instead using MaterialKits and Specialised Parts.

I'll be supporting EL as well in the next update, the part volumes may wait a little. With this mod, when both Keridian Dynamics and EL are installed, EL parts (which don't look that great TBH), will be hidden as the KD parts look so much nicer and there is no point in doubling up.


With Sandcastle I will also be including support for Keridian Dynamics, which are some great parts - basically what I've been using my own 'parts' for.


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  • 1 month later...

Version 1.0 will be released in the near future.

The old mk2 landercan printshops will be amalgamated into a single one and three diffent sized inventories will be available instead.  All on the same theme of stock models being reused.

ReStock will be supported so that some models don't disappear.  I supposed I should support the stock (making history) and restock plus 1.875m  models.

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Update being worked on.

I found very straight forward to sort out the parts for the DLCs and ReStock... 

Should be out like in 24 hours?

A future update will be Mining Expansion, Kerbalism, various  NearFuture mods as well, SSPX.  Maybe also planetside exploration and HabTech2.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone,

I'm sitting here wondering whether I could make a SIMPLEX Asssmbly alternative to KDVA and Simple Construction. Maybe SIMPLEX Assembly Plus, so that you can still use Simplex Assembly with Sandcastle.  This would using the welder to create stock based parts, probably with RestockPlus.

The idea would be to use the ideas of Simple Construction - the lab would be to create CustomParts, and possibly the ISRU makes MetalParts.

A Mobile VAB would possibly use the old mk2 cabin with a resized 1.875m pr 2.5m storage bay with opening doors.  I'd make it 5m wide.

A 7.5m or 10m wide orbital launch and with too.  This would be the same as above but have wide scaffold around it. Using panels to make the scaffold.

Another idea is to make a launchpad from a ground anchor.

This is only a thought currently.  Keep using KDVA for now!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...
23 minutes ago, Mitokandria said:

Question? What is the difference between Simplex Assembly and KSP_PartVolume aside from the latter allowing parts to be added as cargo? Do they both accomplish the same thing wrt EVA Construction?

Pretty much.  From memory KSP_PartVolume covers all parts  Simplex Assembly was only Stock and ReStockPlus.

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Looking at doing a thing.

Adding a new functionality in a similar vein to Simple Construction which uses stock parts to run Extraplanetary Launchpads.  I'll do the same, but possibly not bundling EL.  Although I am only really thinking about this currently and that may change.

The idea is that I'd possibly turn the Stamp-O-Tron into a "Launchpad".  Docking ports the same way or something that allows spawning from.  Simplex Resources will soon have furnaces to create MetalParts and CustomParts as well.

I would need to add in a large workshop part.  A mini VAB if you will.  Maybe get rid of the Printshop and it attached to a off world construction space.


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Hi everyone,

Been playing around with EL and the ground anchor. It has been a long time since using EL to do things.

I guess a launchpad  needs to be connected to a the craft that you are generating from?  Not sure. Maybe i need to give the ground anchor a command module making it a probe core.   If I can't build from a landed vessel and then launch from the ground anchor then I need to

ALTERNATIVE plan.  Copy the groundanchor part.  Make it larger and give it some resource capacity to make it feel moar impressive.  It will definitely need a probe core command module.  Resources should be enough to construct a simole structure struxture that is upright, with launch clamp connections x4 perhaps, maybe also other attach nodes.

I need to make a 'base plate' displosable pad. For building attaching the immesnse colony parts to. Also as a launch pad proper.

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Maybe I have been going about this using the wrong module - I've been trying to  get the ELLaunchpad Module to work with the ground anchor.  Where as I think I should have been using the ELSurveyStake module.

What this means is the following plan...

The Stamp-O-Tron (ground anchor) will get a EL SurveyStake patch.  You'll be able to construct rockets or bases nearby. This will be instead of the survey stake.

New parts designed like I always do using repurposed models from stock (so as to keep part and texture loads slim): 

  • A new micro-pad part , probably using the Radial Attachment point models with an additional node.  For constructing new parts to existing vessels.
  • A redesigned Workshop/MAB, doing a better job at designing this than the current printshop!
  • A launch pad similar in scope to the macro base plate below
  • An orbital base plate.
  • A new macro base plate.  A 3.75 or even 5m base plate 2.5 meter attachment point for micropad below or other such thing.  Additional attachment sections to make it obvious where to attach 4 launch clamps et al.  Will be a command  core similar to Stayputnik, but with EL workshop abilities and resource containers.  The idea would be that with  a Survey Stake you would construct this close to  ground with launch clamps so that it was level, and then be able to build a colony base, or other styled more typical bases off of it.  Perhaps with multiple attachment points.  I feel that this is almost a part for SIMPLEX StationParts.  Not sure yet.  SIMPLEX Assembly may simply add EL capabilities to it.  Have a base plate that has connections to allow for a lab, hitchhikers, and ISRU components to be added as modules either by EVA construction or onetime micropads seems neat and tidy.  It could need attachment points underneath too to allow for a command pod to exist close to the ground to egress.  A soonish future addition to the existing colony parts is an efficient harvester and ISRU to spit out resources without an extensive part count for colonies.  Make building the colonies more feasible.
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Still having difficulty with the Stamp-O-Tron (ground anchor) getting a EL SurveyStake patch.  In that the craft I built to simulate a lander doesn't seen to want to recongise the Stamp-O-Tron Survey stake as a viable build/ launch space.

I've left it IRL for a week,  but suddenly it occurred to me that I probably wasn't patching in a survey station anywhere.  This will be this evening's job (currently 7am in NZ).

  • Currently I have redone the Workshop/MAB.  The printshop will be depreciated.  The workshop will also be the survey station if that is what the issue is, although I do like the idea of a cupola or a lander cans.
  • The macro-base plate will be part of SIMPLEX Station Parts.  This is almost ready for release.
  • I'm thinking that the launchpad and orbital launchpad should remain as the docking clamps.
  • The micro-pad is still to be completed.  It will be a back2back version of the radial attachment plates.


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The survey station module addition worked! - with the Ground Anchor.  The in-game part description will note it is a 'survey peg'.

I think survey stations will be lander cans and the cupola (so not the hitchhiker), along with the new Mobile VAB/ Workshop replaces the printshop for Sandcastle as well.  EL would normally make it only a hitchhiker clone, but I think it makes more sense if the part has directional windows.  I might ditch the command pods as workshops, but use the hitchhiker as a workshop, slower than the MobileVAB.

Working on a name for the MAB workshop part, currently sitting with calling it the 'OAF' Onsite Assembly Facility.  The manufacturer will be Integrated Integrals‎ which makes the Science Lab.

A further idea is to create SIMPLEX Assembly (Plus) as a Simple Construction alternative, possibly shipping with the  Extraplanetary Launchpad dll?  Either that or get rid of many of the EL parts through an MM patch.  Not sure either way at the moment.

Micro-Pad still to be completed.

New parts to be added to TechTrees and then release, at the same time as the three TechTrees and the SIMPLEX Station Parts (Station Plate added), and SIMPLEX Resources (added furnaces), SIMPLEX Colonies (updated arcologies to harvest and convert local resources), Kerbalism SIMPLEX  to take advantage of everything!



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