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0.16+ TouhouTorpedo's Modular Multiwheels (Tosh's Cart Mod powered)


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V0.2 now released!


Note : Truss in this image between front and rear axles is from Damned Robotics Mod!



Ever wanted to make a cart with a certain shape? Katapillar wheels not what you're looking for?

Same here! So after thinking "Why hasnt someone done this yet?" I changed my thinking to "Why haven't I done this yet?" And low and behold, here it is!

Included in the pack is-

Tosh's Cart plugin (incase you dont have it yet. Put this in the plugins folder)

v0.2 added parts:

A powered rear steering modular wheel

A Truck front suspension and steering module (no headlights)

A Truck dual axle powered module (brakelights)

Seperate headlight module

Dedicated Radial Truck Cab

v0.1 parts:

A powered modular wheel

A steering powered modular wheel

An unpowered modular wheel with lower rolling resistance

A tailwheel

A strut for mounting wheels offset to the vehicle body (and they look neat)

A 1m to 2m offset coupler (useful on rockets too!)

Advice for building:

The Stock Struts are your best friend. Use them wisely!

Anyway, let me know what you think and if anything needs fixing. Show me your creations as well, don't forget to do that!

Credit to Tosh who made the Cart Plugin and for the models, which I've modified to make this mod.

Tosh's cart mod source:


Also Credit to Tosh for his tutorial, which If I hadn't seen, I wouldn't have tried this.


Version history

v0.1 - release of pack

v0.1.0.1 - release of pack including the plugin file. DERP.

v0.2 - "pre-release" update of pack, including modular truck wheels, reverse steering modules, and a truck cab command pod

Edited by TouhouTorpedo
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Updated thread with a new part that was requested.

Getting some help from CrashnBurn to improve the first mod.

I'm thinking of making some new meshes for the original part to make it more unique, but I do like them as is anyway. What may be a priority is some chassis parts, like mossman said.

In the meantime mossman, try damnedrobotics mod, as this contains some useful truss structures.


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Is there a way to make a version of this wheel that has steering, but no motors on it? I took a quick look at the .cfg for the other 3 wheels but they all look identical!

it's based in the .dae file, you'd have to change some things in there

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If its just one axle, you could manaully turn off the motors in the right click menu when you play. I hadn't really expected people to be interested in a steering only version.

As Hyratel said, its not in the CFG. The object name in the .DAE file determines it. So if you have blender, (and even practicaly no clue how to use it at all) its quite fixable by changing the name "wheel1_ms" to "wheel1_s"... But yeah, I shouldn't be expecting people to open the files in blender.

How come you're looking for that kind of wheel, just curious?

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I was looking to make a 4 wheeled rear-wheel drive car with a low center of gravity, so that I could do doughnuts. :cool:

However, while typing out this post I realized that an unpowered steering wheel would be quite useful for airplanes as well. I also seem to remember that people have been requesting "steerable landing gear" on and off since KSP v0.15! That fact alone would make creating a steering-only version of the wheel extremely useful to people that create airplanes and spaceplanes.

Edit: how do you get Blender to understand that .dae files are openable?

Edit2: nevermind I figured it out

Edited by SciMan
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How come you're looking for that kind of wheel, just curious?

It is very useful for very large trucks which have countersteering in the last axles. The current motor-steering wheels could be used if the direction of travel of the wheels can be reversed somehow when countersteering.

Thank you for a very neat addition to KSP!

Some may consider the adding of new planets is the best addition ever, but for me this mod is it! By the way, what an incredible speed those "wheels" can achieve! I just reached a top speed of 157 m/s or about 550 km/h.

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