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Playing KSP on my school laptop.


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5 hours ago, CastleKSide said:

Ugh. I was so optimistic and now I'm just bitterly disappointed. Did not buy it, removed it from the wishlist and have been deliberately ignoring that it ever happened.

Yeah, the development path was absolutely flipped, with them working on “stuff we want to add to KSP” instead of rebuilding KSP and getting a solid framework.

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5 hours ago, CastleKSide said:

Ugh. I was so optimistic and now I'm just bitterly disappointed. Did not buy it, removed it from the wishlist and have been deliberately ignoring that it ever happened.

I'm sorta on the same boat as you. I was really excited for KSP2 and also was really disappointed on launch day, so I had to refund it. I'm just hanging on an infinitely tiny sliver of hope that KSP2 will become playable and amazing in the future, but in the meantime, I'll stick to modded KSP1.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/6/2023 at 9:41 AM, Kerballlistic07 said:

That was an idea I had, playing on older versions. I believe there is a forum post that has download links to them. I'll look into it. :D

Yes, here it is. I don't see links for 1.7 or 1.8. Does anyone know where I could find it? 


Update on my quest to play KSP on my school laptop! I did it! I played KSP 0.13.3 and landed on the Mun! (Though it does stretch the definition of landing) I would share screenshots but my school blocked websites that would allow me to do this... But the game runs shockingly well! It only runs bad when I have 157 struts because no autostrut. Images (hopefully) coming soon!

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