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KSP12X: General improvements mod.

Jack Mcslay

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Since we have now the final version, we're not going to get any major improvements anymore and minor glitches will remains unsolved, so I decided to start looking into making a mod to fix it myself, as to create improvements that I think should be in the stock game.

What I have in mind so far:

  • Fixing flying vessels registering as if moving over surface
  • Bring the builtin alarm clock up to par with KAC (add encounter mode, auto select the timer type, better pre-naming of timer)
  • Science transfer message saying "Transferred X experiments from Y to Z" instead of flashing dozens of messages telling every experiment being transferred
  • Experiment review window as a scrolling list instead of showing every experiment and having to click on each one to finally close the window
  • More filtering options in the tracking station, such as listing only objects landed at or orbiting a specific body, showing only asteroids of a specific class
  • Calendar function listing apoapsis and periapsis of celestial bodies, SOI changes, incoming maneuver nodes, transfer windows and probably other things I can think of
  • More vessel info in tracking station and map view,  showing resources without having to switch to the vessel
  • List of nearby vessels to switch to
  • Text borders so it doesn't blend in with the terrain

Anyone have more ideas? Keep in mind, this is only about general improvements, do not suggest changes that affect the core gameplay or visuals. I'm not going to slay the kraken.

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May I suggest contributing to KSPCommunityFixes instead of starting a separate but similar mod ?

This being said, some of your ideas are already covered by other mods, and some others could be improvements to existing mods.
Maybe you should consider contributing to those mods instead :

Bring the builtin alarm clock up to par with KAC (add encounter mode, auto select the timer type, better pre-naming of timer)
> see https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/204404-112x-alarm-enhancements-102-26082021-automatic-alarms-and-better-naming-of-alarms/ 

More filtering options in the tracking station, such as listing only objects landed at or orbiting a specific body, showing only asteroids of a specific class
> see https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/172162-19x-dmagics-evolved-mods-tracking-station-evolved-60-5-4-2018/

List of nearby vessels to switch to
> see

Edited by Gotmachine
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Some of your ideas are great and don't exist elsewhere (AFAIK). Others might already be in other mods, or maybe should be done by submitting your own revisions to existing mods (if the mod author accepts work by others, or the license allows forks).

  • More filtering options in the tracking station, such as listing only objects landed at or orbiting a specific body, showing only asteroids of a specific class Tracking Station Evolved can already do a lot of this.
  • More vessel info in tracking station and map view,  showing resources without having to switch to the vessel I've never checked if Tracking Station Evolved can do this. If not, maybe add it there.
  • List of nearby vessels to switch to
    • Maybe don't just allow "switch", but also "target". I'd love that feature when doing an EVA transfer between vessels.
    • KER already has a menu for switching and targeting vessels based on category. Maybe squeeze something like a "5 nearest vessels" category button into KER?


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