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Easter Eggs.


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Does anyone else think there should be a lot more Easter Eggs and hidden thing in Kerbal Space Program? I know we have Mun Arches and Munoliths, but if we're going to keep the spirit of discovery and exploration alive in this game, I'm thinking we should put in a lot more things to see and do in the final frontiers of the Kerbol System. As usual, I have quite a few ideas on what to put in, as categorized by celestial body.


- Cities

- Towns

- Villages

- Theme park

- Roads

- Boats and ships

General (Extrakerbal planets):

- Crashed Lander

- Crashed UFO (Unlocks advanced part if discovered)

- Canyons

- Dead Kerbonaut (Kerbin skeleton in a spacesuit)

- Volcano

- Abandoned Rover

- Mesas

- Crashed Probe

- Flag of Kerbin (Only appears after and where you first successfully land on a planet)


- Whale skeleton and smashed bowl of Petunias (Both a South Park AND a Hitchhiker's Guide reference)

- American flag

- Munhenge (Lunar Stonehenge)


- Face of Duna (Think Cydonia Mensae and, perhaps even creepier, Libya Montes)

- Pyramids

- Ruins

- Tomb

Feel free to throw in your own ideas for Easter Eggs. In fact, please do.

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I'll make a list of the things you mentioned that are already in the game:

General (Extrakerbal planets):

- Canyons

- Abandoned Rover

- Crashed probe


- Munhenge (Lunar Stonehenge) - Somewhere else, but still there.


- Face of Duna

- Pyramids

Edit: As for ideas, I'd like to see more evidence of extra-terrestrial life that requires some degree of thought, like the SSTV pyramid. I can't wait for the rest of the puzzle for that one.

Edited by trbinsc
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  Zed said:
But what about ideas for new easter eggs? Can't we just have fun brainstorming and all that?

Sure we can brainstorm. I like the idea of the bowl of petunias. I am a huge fan of Douglas Adam's work.

Just throwing out a suggestion of my own, can we have a Contact themed Easter egg?

A giant dodecahedron encrusted in radio dishes floating out past Jool would make my day.


EDIT: Also can a mod move this to suggestions? It's in the wrong section.

Edited by Nutt007
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  trbinsc said:
I'll make a list of the things you mentioned that are already in the game:

General (Extrakerbal planets):

- Canyons

- Abandoned Rover

- Crashed probe


- Munhenge (Lunar Stonehenge) - Somewhere else, but still there.


- Face of Duna

- Pyramids

Edit: As for ideas, I'd like to see more evidence of extra-terrestrial life that requires some degree of thought, like the SSTV pyramid. I can't wait for the rest of the puzzle for that one.

Where is the crashed probe? All i know is the rover

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Hmmm.... What about alien ruins? Like, say...the crumbling foundations of some long-dead city? You know, with crumbling brick walls and cracked roads, fallen pillars, walls with strange heiroglyphics... That would sound fun, wouldn't it? Maybe throw in a couple of fossilized alien creatures...

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  darkwolfpaw54 said:
well this will teach little kids about space and rockets we don't want dead bodys or something creepy on planets freak the hell out of them.My son does it and I don't wanna scare him with a video game.

Then what about that dead Kraken on Bop or the face of Carl Sagan on that one moon? (Forgot its name...)

Regarding the SSTV signal Easter Egg, we could have a little fun with that. For instance, there could be a log cabin somewhere on Kerbin transmitting an SSTV signal. When translated, the signal will reveal a photo of Jebediah Kerbin's family, implying he was born and raised in a log cabin like Abe Lincoln. Or maybe a signal that has a photo of KSP's development team. That's always a must for a game...

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Ah-ha! I got some new ideas for easter eggs and here they are:

Planetary Easter Eggs

- Abandoned spice harvester on Duna

- Statue of Abraham Lincoln on Duna (Adventure Time reference)

- Abandoned command module

Cockpit Easter Eggs

- Air freshener

- Fuzzy dice

- Jebediah Kerbin dashboard bobblehead

Space Easter Eggs

- UFOs

- Ghost Ships

- Asteroids

- Russel's Teapot

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I very much like the idea of being able to find crashed landers, and maybe a crashed UFO with the possibility of advanced parts if you can find it, seems like a good way of encouraging players to explore in career mode when it comes out, instead of turtling up in their space center while the research is done.

Good for general atmosphere as well.

My suggestion would be subterrainian cities, perhpas accessable only through a tiny aperture in the surface, and a large, but very confined and built up space underneath, perhaps with some unique haunting music to play, and mysterious lights flashing at you from juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust out of sight, and objects whistling past your nose, too fast to identify anything but a fleeting shadow.

But at the bottom, or at the cities core, would lie the best tech in the game, and your only clue to get there a mysterious radio signal, coming from just outside of kerbins reception range.

For the gas giants, It could instead be a large, derelict airship, broken almost in half 2/3 of the way down it, the aft section hanging on by the craft's spine, the wreck dangling from 2 large balloons, with the burst remains of a third one suspended limply below the construction, swinging eereily on its rope with a mournful squeal.........

Or perhaps a mysterious object in deep space, and when you examine it,Makes the screen go tripy breifly, and when it clears, you are out in another part of space, a whole other system, with only the vaguest of cues as to how to get back. Would probably help to have the kethane mod in that last one though, or else be stuck. It could be like the nether, starts off as a mysterious, horrifying landscape, ends up your own personal home away from home.

Aside from the creepy stuff, the wreck of the Rebel Flagship from FTL would be cool, and I wouldnt object to seeing a drifting Serenity, either.

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I would love some technology to find these EasterEggs without reading the Forums or reverse engineering game files.

Maybe three seperate antennas, you have to place in the surface to triangulate the low emissions of a small artifact... or satellites for the larger objects, because honestly, I don't have that much spare time to spend in KSP to just stumble about those things... and of course I don't want to spoil myself either.

I know about the MuonDetector "thewinterowl" uses to find tombstones on the mun... but he hasn't found just one in the last few months.

I would rather place some detectors and get the exact location of all EasterEggs in range revealed to me.

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  Zed said:
Ah-ha! I got some new ideas for easter eggs and here they are:

Planetary Easter Eggs

- Abandoned spice harvester on Duna

- Statue of Abraham Lincoln on Duna (Adventure Time reference)

- Abandoned command module

Cockpit Easter Eggs

- Air freshener

- Fuzzy dice

- Jebediah Kerbin dashboard bobblehead

Space Easter Eggs

- UFOs

- Ghost Ships

- Asteroids

- Russel's Teapot

I definitely want to see Russel's Teapot. And I get all of them too.

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wait a second, regarding that "asteroids" space easter egg, why not make one of the asteroids in the asteroid belt look like an asteroid from the 70's-80's era Asteroids arcade game, and when you approach it you hear some sound effects from the Asteroids game? I'm sure it could be done with some shader effects or something like that (no matter the viewing angle, its a black object with its border highlighted in white) and the sound effects would be easy enough to add, i bet (barring any unlikely licensing issues, of course)

(an asteroid belt is on the official planned features list, i think. BUT I COULD BE WRONG!!)

edit: wait another second, the UFOs could also be from Asteroids, i think

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Actually, there already is an asteroid called the magic boulder. I've seen pics off it in the easter egg thread. Seriously, the thing is weird : it changes orbital inclination/speeds, its speculated it stays around ike but i'm not sure. One thing is for sure, many have exploded trying to find it (it just crashes into you) i'm seriously starting to wonder if its not actually target seeking since most people just notice it right after they crashed into it.

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  • 6 months later...

I'd always been thinking about things that aren't only on planets, like something to screw you over on your PERFECT transfer to Duna, or another planet, such as asteroids, comets, or even meteor showers visible from Kerbin. Having some pre-made satellites abandoned in orbit would be beneficial too, because you'd be able to do rescue missions on ships you hadn't already planned out.

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  Mocha2007 said:
I definitely want to see Russel's Teapot. And I get all of them too.


Imagine how difficult it would be to find it :0.0:

Actually I'm orbiting Dres at the moment doing scans and preliminary work for a rover or kerbed mission. I'll check the most interesting features for interesting anomalies.

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