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What will the most colonized place in ksp2 be

SSTO Crasher

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Minmus and Duna. Minmus because it's easy to get to and land on. Duna because it's usually the first planet for interplanetary travel.

6 hours ago, TLTay said:

About a hundred meters left of the runway at KSC...

That was my first thought.

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Mun and Minmus.  They might not be all that useful, but let's face it: for Baby's First Offworld Colony you're going to stick it down as close to Kerbin as possible. They're the perfect place to start doing all those colony-related things (making fuel, building rockets etc.) while still within easy access of Kerbin to be supplied, expanded (or rebuilt...) and without the (lack of) gravity issues you get at Gilly.

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18 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Mun and Minmus.  They might not be all that useful, but let's face it: for Baby's First Offworld Colony you're going to stick it down as close to Kerbin as possible. They're the perfect place to start doing all those colony-related things (making fuel, building rockets etc.) while still within easy access of Kerbin to be supplied, expanded (or rebuilt...) and without the (lack of) gravity issues you get at Gilly.

This, even with more tutorials and interstellar travel a sizeable portion of the community will use the interstellar engines and still struggle to reach Mun (and a part of the community will use them to beat the launchpad-abandoned airstrip record and never even leave Kerbin's atmosphere).

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