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[v0.1]Space Shuttle Vanguard


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Guest ThatCrazyPilot

Is it just me, or is this shuttle rather tiny compared to the rest of your parts, Nova?

Don\'t give Nova any bad ideas...
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I\'m almost afraid to try making it heavier, so I don\'t break the flight mechanics.

I feared this with Cyclone until I made a spreadsheet and finally got the correct formula for drag. Then I could just plug in numbers all day and tune it without worrying about breaking things.

Checkpointing with revision control also helps.

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Dear NovaSilisko,

normally I hate your parts, but the vanguard is PERFECT

Thank your for this.

But.... can you make a fueltank and bosters for it ????

Dunno how to respond to this...on one hand you like Vanguard, but on the other you hate everything else I\'ve made...

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20-25* nose up in the atmo seems to be a sweet spot. Kept the vertical speed down to 5m/s.

As a pilot, I find it funny that when you nose up from a stable glide path, you both increase speed AND gain altitude. A normal plane would lose speed while gaining altitude in an unpowered glide.

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I like it.

First time in orbit i re-entered dam near perfect. Less than 50m/s (10m/s vertical speed) when i hit the runway, nosecone and engine broke off on touched down :( Do you think we\'ll ever get wheels that roll properly in the game? I hope so.

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I don\'t see why you cannot make fake wheels.....

think parachutes

I mean attach them to the bottom. Have hit boxes that hold it off the ground. make their minimum deploy pressure like 0.95 (which is like 100 meter high). Give them high drag which forces peiople to not open them high int he air. If youa re landing correctly they will be rotated properly to the ground. If youa re rotated up it will look like they ahe not fully deployed yet from their housings.

I think they would look nice.

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As a pilot, I find it funny that when you nose up from a stable glide path, you both increase speed AND gain altitude. A normal plane would lose speed while gaining altitude in an unpowered glide.

As a pilot, you should note the differences between air speed and angular velocity.

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I don\'t see why you cannot make fake wheels.....

think parachutes

I mean attach them to the bottom. Have hit boxes that hold it off the ground. make their minimum deploy pressure like 0.95 (which is like 100 meter high). Give them high drag which forces peiople to not open them high int he air. If youa re landing correctly they will be rotated properly to the ground. If youa re rotated up it will look like they ahe not fully deployed yet from their housings.

I think they would look nice.

They wouldn\'t work as landing gear. C7\'s gear is a hacked strut and barely survives most of the time. A parachute would either explode instantly or transfer a force to the attached part to explode it

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They wouldn\'t work as landing gear. C7\'s gear is a hacked strut and barely survives most of the time. A parachute would either explode instantly or transfer a force to the attached part to explode it

not if you make their crash tolerance hi as well as strenght and such. I would thing. Not positive lol.

anyway. i took this thing for a spin. i rather enjoyed gliding down :D


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Jeb loves the idea, Bob not so much.





Didn\'t think it would work. I ran out of fuel on my retro burn, was left with an 52k / 87k orbit; had to let aero braking do the rest. Left for a while and came back to find my shuttle over the ocean at about 8k. So I went to map view to try and find the closest land mass and changed heading accordingly. However, as you can see; I came up short. Thankfully the Vanguard has substantial buoyancy.

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Funny since it\'s extremely easy for me to destroy it.


I swear, I launched it into orbit, aimed *directly down* at ground. Impacted. Nose cone flew off, thrusters exploded, but the center stayed intact.

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I have tried my darnest to crash this dang thing into the ground and make it explode.

It\'s impossible, ladies and gentlemen.


The first safe space vessel.

Put two tail-fins on the sides so they are below the level of the wings. It\'ll blow up every time it hits the ground.

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