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Latest Matrix Film Is More Or Less A Movie Made As a Statement With Some Story Progression Added On


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Saw it and it made me laugh a bit, which is unusual for a matrix movie.


At any rate... this vid sums it up:


I felt like one of the original creators was like... I will ruin the franchise myself so you cannot WB so there!


At least he still progressed the story.


Edited by Spacescifi
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Warning I'm going to drop spoilers.

22 hours ago, Spacescifi said:

I felt like one of the original creators was like... I will ruin the franchise myself so you cannot WB so there!

The film actually directly points this out indirectly and directly. 

The studio always wanted more Matrix movies. The Wachowski never wanted to do anymore, its also why Lilly wasn't even involved. This is also probably why the latest matrix is more about The Matrix as a series whole than anything else set within the actual movie universe. It isn't common for a franchise to have so much self references to itself and still make sense. And yes even more self referential than even something like Deadpool. 

22 hours ago, Spacescifi said:

Saw it and it made me laugh a bit, which is unusual for a matrix movie.

I also was finding the movie vastly more hilarious and light hearted, which is somewhat refreshing to be honest. The 2nd and 3rd ones were very droll affairs.  Its basically impossible to be "more matrix" than the original. With most of the cast decades older, the original story being complete and all really ground breaking stuff already being "done with". The creators always felt like this, but studios gotta fill out their streaming services if anything.

Ultimately, I found the movie to be more about the love of the matrix than the matrix itself, which is also directly referenced multiple times. So I can see why some group of people didn't like it as much as the originals, because it never tried to be anything like the originals because you can't be like the originals. 

I found it enjoyable, if nothing else to revisit it via a meta-narrative and wait for John Wick 4. Which has a hell of a lot less kung-fu, but will have a hell of a lot more gun fights and dogs ;D 



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25 minutes ago, MKI said:

Warning I'm going to drop spoilers.

The film actually directly points this out indirectly and directly. 

The studio always wanted more Matrix movies. The Wachowski never wanted to do anymore, its also why Lilly wasn't even involved. This is also probably why the latest matrix is more about The Matrix as a series whole than anything else set within the actual movie universe. It isn't common for a franchise to have so much self references to itself and still make sense. And yes even more self referential than even something like Deadpool. 

I also was finding the movie vastly more hilarious and light hearted, which is somewhat refreshing to be honest. The 2nd and 3rd ones were very droll affairs.  Its basically impossible to be "more matrix" than the original. With most of the cast decades older, the original story being complete and all really ground breaking stuff already being "done with". The creators always felt like this, but studios gotta fill out their streaming services if anything.

Ultimately, I found the movie to be more about the love of the matrix than the matrix itself, which is also directly referenced multiple times. So I can see why some group of people didn't like it as much as the originals, because it never tried to be anything like the originals because you can't be like the originals. 

I found it enjoyable, if nothing else to revisit it via a meta-narrative and wait for John Wick 4. Which has a hell of a lot less kung-fu, but will have a hell of a lot more gun fights and dogs ;D 




I am simply surprised WB let Lana basically call them out and mock them in a movie they own the rights to.


That takes some... courage or boldness, or just being fed up mad with WB.

Probably was all three!

The scene that made me laugh out loud literally was when the Merovingian showed up, ranted, and then spat and walked off.

Quite the turn of events for Mister French Classy guy.


Yeah... I have read that the co-director of Ressurections (not Lana) said there were no plans to make a sequel to Ressurections.

Unless WB makes it and tries to clean up the dumpster fire that Lana intentionally made.


Overall I found the movie underwhelming given the glory of the previous action scenes in the trilogy.

Yet I did appreciate that the universe had moved on since the trilogy (something Star Wars failed at utterly).


Probably the only battle scene that even approached the glory of the old matrix battles was the double helicopter fight.

I was seriously awed at how the helicopters were holding nothing back as well as Neo straining to block bullets coming from opposite directions. I had assumed Neo was more powerful than he actually was.

Edited by Spacescifi
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thats the problem with modern reboots and remakes. its like one part references for the old fanbase. one part actual plot, and 3 parts woke virtue signaling. their job is to entertain, not indoctrinate, and they are terrible at it. stop it. defund hollywood!

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