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First Post, requesting advice


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Greetings! I am LocalGenius. I have been playing KSP for 2 months now, have become a regular guest on these forums, but until recently had no excuse to create an account here. Until I noticed that a certain challenge has not been posted here.

I have been attempting a personal challenge that has had me stumped, and I want some advice on posting a challenge. I know that my challenge will be very hard to accomplish, yet so simple that it will be addictive. I want to see what the community can come up with, so I don't want my challenge to be dismissed because it looks noob-ish.

Any advice helps.

Thanks, LocalGenius.

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First of all, try to make sure the challenge hasn't been posted already.

Second, make sure that it is actually possible to do the challenge - I have seen many people post challenges along the lines of 'make a ship that can land on every planet and moon TWICE in a single flight' which would require either cheat parts or a rocket the size of minmus...

Other than that, describe the challenge as clearly as possible and post your own best effort to complete it (with pics if possible). Really can't tell you anything more without knowing something about your challenge itself.

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Hi LocalGenius, welcome to the community :)

We can always do with new challenges, as Awaras says though, it helps a lot if you can show yourself doing the challenge first, then others know what they have to beat.

Impossible challenges are no fun, but if your challenge involves a time limit (even just shortest time on the mission clock) then many people will try to get the best time.

Good luck with your challenge :D

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Welcome to the Forums!

Enjoy your stay here and be sure to ask us if you have any questions, or tell us of any concerns you may have ("Us" being the Mod Staff, myself included).

As for your challenge, the best challenges by my experience are the ones that the author has done himself. Why? Because when you do your own challenge before posting it, you not only prove its possible, but you also have the opportunity to change the challenge into an even better one. Impossible challenges may as well be spam for all the good they do, so always test your challenge to just see if its possible beforehand. So go ahead and have some fun here, be nice, and I promise I won't bite.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator (the Amazing Spider-Mod),


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