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Why does the game crash so much on ps4?

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Ce-34878-0 errors at least 2 times per game. 

Unable to reliably recreate at will, just seems to happen at random points. No reason or warning. 

1. More often than not the error displays following a hang/locked screen, i..e in the VAB 

2. Also tends to occur if jumping back to the VAB or KSC from the menu options

3. Had the same error when building, flying, walking.

I have over 86 flights in the career, gut feel is this is a memory spike., Although I have recently reset my ps4 twice and there is no evidence to suggest this will make a differentm .

Logging all my instanses as best as I can on the bug tracker but noones come back to me. 





Edited by Ande
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  On 4/15/2022 at 11:07 PM, Ande said:

Ce-34878-0 errors at least 2 times per game. 

Unable to reliably recreate at will, just seems to happen at random points. No reason or warning. 

1. More often than not the error displays following a hang/locked screen, i..e in the VAB 

2. Also tends to occur if jumping back to the VAB or KSC from the menu options

3. Had the same error when building, flying, walking.

I have over 86 flights in the career, gut feel is this is a memory spike., Although I have recently reset my ps4 twice and there is no evidence to suggest this will make a differentm .

Logging all my instanses as best as I can on the bug tracker but noones come back to me. 






And again, 30 mins in. Just created man node and going to journey to Eve again and then saved the game. Then attempted to open the tracking station and hey presto another blue screen error. 

Not being funny but how come the bug tracker isnt littered with complaints? @KSPStar I'm getting tired of logging them all without having any response. Clearly the issue is the game, I've reinitialised the ps4 based on my previous save doing the same thing, completely uninstalled and reinstalled the game and then created this new save. It's been fine, and tbf since up until few months back it's always had an occasional error but now it seems to happen quicker and more regular. City's skylines and Surviving Mars work without any errors at all so I cant accept the ps4 is the issue. Is there some kind of monitoring software the engineering team can send me to debug the game? 

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I think all of us PS players have the same problem, I stopped reporting it because I do not feel that Sony really cares after they get there money and any reports go into the garbage can so why waste my time?..... almost all of my crashes happen at the launch pad or trying to revert back to the VAB never after I launch or while doing missions, I get at least 1 crash per 1.5 hours of play so I don't get why if it almost always happens to everybody at the same place or time why "won't" they fix it, its not a game wide problem its specific to certain actions or commands yet its allowed persist and Sony does nothing about it even though its happening on there system or its because of there system?.  I'm more interested in why KSP2 is still not out? this reminds me of NMS, I was a beta beta tester for NMS and they keept putting the release date back, and it turned out it was because the game manufacture and Sony were being sued because they stoled the software to make the game, a little know fact to most, and when it did come out they lied with the game cinemas they released which were great compared to what the game actually "looked" like which was totally different and later admitted to being done that way to build the hype because once you bought the game they had your money and tough luck haha.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it's related to the memory or HDD on ps4 tbh, it's never possible to recreate, I've loaded back saves and repeated my actions and never once replicated so it's unlikely a software issue. Although part of me can tell when it's going to crash... I.e complex builds or manuevours usually always result in a crash to blue screen. I'd like to see squad or whoever give us a debugger in the least. At least if they then could tell us what to avoid. 

The weird thing is, if I start a brand new career and start from scratch, the frequency of crashes really does reduce. 

So, I feel if anything there's a limit to the number of craft, or a memory leak. Oddly in all 3 career restarts, the crashes begun around the same time as either 1. I visited eve 2. I fully unlocked tech tree 3 

Can you give any details on what types of action you do in the VAB when it happens? If you start a new career does it work fine for a bit like me? I was getting 4+ hours gameplay early career


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@TokiGlassBlower I think it might be connected to the leveling up of the tracking station to comets and astroid tracking mate... Just a gut feel on experience, need to do some tests of this theory but I think with all the additional objects it tracks in the background it's likely spiking the memory. This is why it possibly seems quite random in nature, and why when switching around areas in the game it crashes as it's unable to cope. 

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  On 5/1/2022 at 10:26 PM, Ande said:

@TokiGlassBlower I think it might be connected to the leveling up of the tracking station to comets and astroid tracking mate... Just a gut feel on experience, need to do some tests of this theory but I think with all the additional objects it tracks in the background it's likely spiking the memory. This is why it possibly seems quite random in nature, and why when switching around areas in the game it crashes as it's unable to cope. 


Well ultimately I'm not a techie but I will say I've never had a game crash so much, but almost all my crashes are during reversions to the space center from the launch pad and its most likely memory like you mentioned, the PC game manufactures have always seemed to dislike the consoles even tho consoles where for at least 20+ years (1977-97) the way people exclusively electronically home gamed before PCs came along, I got my first console in 1977 when I was 14 which was the first year they came out, I even kept a console with me while I was serving onboard Nuclear Submarines and played as much as I could and those games never crashed because if they did they could ruin the game manufacture so they did not do things like todays manufactures will just to sell a game....

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Now I've got quite a complex space agency, with multiple ships floating around and needing to jump around a lot, I really do come across this every day I play, once am hour pretty much. I've played for 2 hours tonight, 1st blue screen crash was when trying to reload a quicksave as eve blew me up during aerocapture :) 2nd was then when doing my aerocaptures I then went to place a manuever node and map completely froze, eventually hitting the usual ce-34878-0 error.

I think the most bothering thing about it is the random nature, if it was in certain place or known to be caused by some combination of events I could deal with it. All the support for the enhanced edition has been lost, and the fact is that they really aren't bothered about diagnosing the cause of the issues. If there were we would have been asked to run debuggers to help them identify the cause. 

Re. Your point, yes. Games manufacturers these days use different methods to old computer software development. Newer principles mean that work is done much more effectively. I support that. If they didn't then KSP would frankly never exist.  But the simple lack of support or any real explanation of what is causing the crashes is not right. The game clearly has big problems despite what the publishers say (they responded to me last year on this subject saying none of their team get anywhere like the volume I get) .

There is a slim possibility it could be my ps4 itself, but highly unlikely when you look at the volume of complaints around this. I am going to try deleting my astroid scan sat and see if that impacts, but it's a needle in a haystack without any debugger being supplied by development. :(

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