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changed loading times

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I timed my loading times not long ago and it came in at 1:25 to the welcome screen.  Then a few days ago I replaced the AMD Vega 64 with an AMD 6750XT.  KSP runs better with this newer and more powerful GPU and I'm happy with it so far as it is much snappier.

But, I have not timed it precisely but now loading takes around 3 1/2 minutes.  Dunno why replacing the GPU and its drivers would do this.  I do have some mods, mostly graphics stuff like EVE, Scatterer, and Waterfall plus Kerbal heads and suits.  During loading it says there are 319 items to load. 

The method I used to change GPU drivers was:  DL the 6750xt drivers, unplug from the internet, delete the old drivers and do a registry cleanup, then delete the AMD folder.  Restart.  Change GPUs.  Install new drivers and restart.  Then connect to the internet. 

Everything seems to be working properly so there is no problems as near as I can tell, but I am curious as to what could be doing this.

EDIT:  Of course I had to wait until I posted this to find another AMD folder and deleted old drivers.  The loading times are now back to normal.    This post can be deleted.

Edited by miklkit
found the cause of the oddity.
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3 hours ago, miklkit said:

EDIT:  Of course I had to wait until I posted this to find another AMD folder and deleted old drivers.  The loading times are now back to normal.    This post can be deleted.

The fact that you solved an issue that more can face rather indicates that it shouldn't be deleted.

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