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Wiki: Antennas on Habitation Modules


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I was editing the Chinese translation of part Mk1 Crew Cabin when I found this.


with the "usage" stating "It cannot transmit science" and the "changes" stating "added ability to transmit science".

I was confused and tried it with a 3-part ship in KSP.


Without control, the habitation module cannot perform crew report even with a Kerbal in it. That's why I added a cockpit. 


Then I performed crew report with the cockpit still glued to the cabin. It cannot be transmitted because there is no antenna capable of "transmitting science" on the ship.


After that, I released the cockpit. With no control, we cannot transmit science although it has an antenna. 

I personally think that, this is not a problem with electric charge. You can't do anything useful on a ship without control, even with a Kerbal on board.

Below is from Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpits/mk1CrewCabin.cfg

		name = ModuleDataTransmitter
		antennaType = INTERNAL
		packetInterval = 1.0
		packetSize = 2
		packetResourceCost = 12.0
		requiredResource = ElectricCharge
		antennaPower = 5000
		optimumRange = 2500
		packetFloor = .1
		packetCeiling = 5

Now looking back at the wiki page,

  • We can be sure that:
    • Part
      • The Mk1 Crew Cabin has an internal antenna
      • The internal antenna cannot transmit science
      • The way Squad manages part files is less neat than in-game categories. Well actually this is fine; and it's just tedious to re-organize the files and change MODEL{ model = Squad/Parts/... } one by one. I'm OK with the current part file layout.
    • Wiki
      • The wiki "changes" is incorrect or inaccurate
      • The wiki "usage" is correct
  • We aren't sure of:
    • Part
      • I don't see the point of this internal antenna. In stock you can't use it without a command module. And all command modules have their own internal antennas. But again, this is fine; and it's just tedious to remove these internal antennas.
    • Wiki
      • Does the error of "added ability to transmit science" in "changes" exist in other parts?
  • I'm going to
    • Update the wiki description in "changes" to "added internal antenna". I'm not sure if this is correct, because I joined in 1.8.1, and this change dates back to 1.2 as described in the wiki. I'm gonna to do this for English and Chinese pages.
    • Check the same description in other wiki pages regarding habitation modules and update if necessary.
    • Update in this thread when finished.
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