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Deacon, Priest and Bishop Class Light Aircraft Carriers

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This specific hull form was inspired / a response to @Yukon0009's Neidon-Class Light carrier and was the first time I had seen a properly hulled carrier for a reasonable part count that included a lift and lower deck. I initially based the deck shape off of a shipbucket drawing of an alternate invincible class aircraft carrier focusing on rotary wing aircraft versus the V/STOL aircraft that the real world invinvible class used.


Deacon-Class  Landing Platform Helicopter







Priest-Class Landing Helicopter Assault


Featuring a stretched hull with the stern width being widened out to be flush with the central section, the Priest-Class utilises two internal decks for aircraft and amphibious vehicle storage. The standout aspect of this vessel is it's well deck, allowing it to launch and recover amphibious vehicles without the use of cranes or other means.






Bishop-Class Light Carrier


Based off of the same hull form as the modified Priest-Class, the Bishop-Class features a further modifed flight deck that has been angled for the ease of launch and recovery of aircraft. The Hanger has also been moved into the space where the well deck once was, freeing up the forward section of the hull for better weight balancing and would allow for the installation of a catapult if the need arose.




Edited by chadgaskerman
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  • 2 weeks later...

After finishing all of my exams today I finally got around to taking some decent screenshots of the Bishop class and finally releasing it to kerbalX. As of late I've been getting into From the Depths so my next vessel, or few, may take advantage of a tumblehome hull.

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